Michael Nugent, Chair of Atheist Ireland, discusses Richard Bruton’s announcement on ending religious discrimination in access to Catholic primary schools, with Shane Beatty on Kildare Radio KFM.
Bernadette Grogan of Together For Yes, talking about canvassing at Atheist Ireland’s Repeal the 8th Information Evening in Wynns Hotel Dublin on 3 May 2018.
Treasa McVeigh of Together For Yes gives an introduction to the history of the law related to the Eighth Amendment at Atheist Ireland’s Repeal the 8th Information Evening in Wynns Hotel Dublin on 3 May 2018.
Dr Cliona Saidléar, Executive Director of the Rape Crisis Network Ireland, talking at Atheist Ireland’s Repeal the 8th Information Evening in Wynns Hotel Dublin on 3 May 2018.
Dr Krysia Lynch, Chair of AIMSI (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services) talks about maternity care and the eighth amendment at Atheist Ireland’s Repeal the 8th Information Evening in Wynns Hotel Dublin on 3 May 2018.
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