Elaine Byrnes of NUI Galway, Damien McClean of USI, Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland, and Paul Murphy TD of Solidarity, speaking at a press conference on 4 July 2018 supporting Solidarity’s bill to provide Objective Sex Education without religious ethos in Irish schools.
Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland speaking at a press conference on 4 July 2018 supporting Solidarity’s bill to provide Objective Sex Education without religious ethos in Irish schools. The Government is threatening to block this important Bill by using a technical Oireachtas procedure known as a money message.
John Hamill discusses protests against the Pope’s visit to Ireland.
Jane Donnelly, Atheist Ireland’s Human Rights Officer discusses sacrament preparation in National Schools on Newstalk’s The Hard Shoulder with Ivan Yates. This discussion also includes contributons from Fr Iggy O’Donovan.
On BBC Radio Ulster Talkback, Michael Nugent and Dr Ali Selim debate Blasphemy Laws and the forthcoming referendum in Ireland (includes an interview with Prof David Nash).
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