This is a reupload in HD (but for some reason the sound is out of syc in HD) T.P OMahony, former religious affairs correspondent with the Irish Press and the Irish Examiner, also an author, will be opposing the motion – “I’ve done just that and called heads…. I’ll find out one of these days whether I wagered wisely,” he said.
T.P OMahony, former religious affairs correspondent with the Irish Press and the Irish Examiner, also an author, will be opposing the motion – “I’ve done just that and called heads…. I’ll find out one of these days whether I wagered wisely,” he said.
Debate God is a fraud UCC Part1 Speaker: Peter Cave; chair of the British Humanist Philosophers Group and acclaimed author. http://www.petercave.com/ http://www.humanism.org.uk/about/philosophers See his books: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b_0_12?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=peter+cave+humanism Pleasure principles: http://newhumanist.org.uk/978
MichaelNugent was a guest of Simon Maher on the Dublin radio station Phantom 105.2 FM, where they discussed atheism in Ireland, in the context of the UK atheist bus adverts, and the formation of the new advocacy group Atheist Ireland.
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