Topics: Part 6 5 Possible Futures: 1. Rise of Religion to one Faith 1:52 2. Fall of Religion 2:56 3. Religion more a social company 3:43 4. Secular world that discourages Religion 5:03 5. Judgement Day 5:57 Theological Afterthough 6:27 Quicklink to topic press TIME Dr Dylan Evans Lecturer in Behavioural Science School of Medicine University Collage Cork www.dylan.org.uk
Topics: Part 5 Descartes’ Baby Folk physics & Folk psychology 0:15 Credece heuristics 3:12 Religion passed from generation to generation Five possible futures 8:43 Quicklink to topic press TIME Dr Dylan Evans Lecturer in Behavioural Science School of Medicine University Collage Cork www.dylan.org.uk
Topics: Part 4 Dawkins Superstitious pigeons 0:33 Apophenia random patterns Peter Brugger 4:00 paranormal Faces that aren’t there. Skeptic vs Believers 5:10 Memorable anomalies 6:55 Pascal Boyer Spirits & Gods 9:35 Quicklink press TIME to go directly to that topic. Part 4 of 6 : “BORN to BELIEVE” : Evolution, Psychology and Religion -Dr Dylan Evans
Michael Nugent, chair of Atheist Ireland, debates John Murray, director of the Iona Institute for Religion and Society, on the motion: That one cannot be truly moral without God. The debate took place on 30 March 2010 in Maynooth University, and was organized by the Maynooth Christian Union and the Maynooth Literary and Debating Society.
Michael Nugent, chair of Atheist Ireland, debates John Murray, director of the Iona Institute for Religion and Society, on the motion: That one cannot be truly moral without God. The debate took place on 30 March 2010 in Maynooth University, and was organized by the Maynooth Christian Union and the Maynooth Literary and Debating Society.
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