These are names 501-1,000 on, together with the people’s reasons for symbolically defecting from the Catholic Church (or any other church). You can read other names and reasons at the links below.
Names 1-500 | Names 501-1,000 | Names 1,001-1,500 | Names 1,501-2,000 | Names 2,001-2,500
Leave a comment at with your name and your reason for symbolically defecting, and we will record it on this website. If you want to remove your name, send us an email and we will do so.
David Abbey
24th January 2016
Reason I have not believed in God for many years. Their out dated ideology and customs.
David Burns
6th March 2017
Reason Corruption
David Costigan
25th April 2016
Reason In the hope that more will follow and remove the power of the redundant church over the people of this world
David Crosby
25th August 2018
Reason I David Crosby reject the teachings andof beliefs of Catholicism, the Pope and Christianity in general. I believe in science, reason, skepticism and humanism not primitive superstitious belief symptoms that lack logic, truth and empirical evidence. I reject all organised religions as they are nothing more then cults by definition and in my own opinion.
David Delaney
11th April 2016
Reason lack of mutual respect
David Doran
23rd October 2020
Reason I aline in no way in what the Catholic Church tries to teach and am disgusted by what they have done in Ireland with no retribution for thousands of victims of this cult.
David Duffy
6th July 2017
Reason I don’t believe in any religion.
David Egan
26th April 2016
Reason I’m now an atheist
David Egan
9th June 2023
Reason Dont believe, had no choice.
David Field
31st August 2018
Reason I am an atheist.
David Flannery
20th April 2017
Reason Hate the Roman Catholic Faith. Atheist
David Higgins
4th March 2017
Reason I simply do not believe in the teachings of the Church.
david ireland
14th January 2021
Reason born atheist,baptized without my permission,don’t want to be a part of a criminal organization.
David Keane
19th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist.
David Kelly
17th October 2015
Reason Lack of belief in an afterlife and general contempt for the RCC as an institution.
David Kennedy
29th May 2018
Reason The Catholic Church no longer has my trust with my faith .
David knight
14th October 2020
Reason Because I believe in personal freedom.
David Lawler
13th January 2021
David Mac Donald
7th May 2017
Reason I do not believe in religion or god. I do not wish to be associated with an organization with the appalling record which the Catholic Church has.
David O’Leary
21st August 2018
Reason No longer have any personal connection or belief in anything relating to the Catholic Church or any such organised religious body. Am unhappy at the difficulty of officially defecting from the Catholic Church. While respecting those of faith, whatever their belief or creed, I no longer wish to be associated or counted in any way as a member of the Catholic Church.
David O’neill
26th March 2017
Reason I have never had any true belief of faith and do not want to be associated with the Catholic Church any longer
David O’Toole
26th May 2017
Reason I never asked for this…
David Quigley
17th April 2018
Reason There are too many to list.
David Robert Collins
4th November 2018
Reason I’ve been an atheist for 13 years. I no longer wish to be on record of an dictatorial institution, used for control
David Ryan
6th April 2017
Reason I believe in science and reason, I do not believe in fairy tales. The Catholic church in my opinion is a corrupt and criminal organisation who are in breach of my human rights by not allowing me to leave their cult.
David Saxby
6th December 2020
Reason The church continues to support TRUMP as president even after he lost
David Stone
27th April 2016
Reason Non-believer of a deity/ Cover ups of horrendous and heinous crimes against citizens of Ireland
David Sweeney
6th April 2017
Reason I am a member of a group that I no longer want to be a member of. I don’t believe in a god for more than 20 years now. The findings in recent years of the catholic churches wrongdoings in the last number of years disgust me and I don’t want to be a part of this filth. I wish to leave!!!
david was crabbe at birth ( now leslie)
16th July 2016
Reason i had no choice in being done in the catholic church as i was to young to have my own choice am an adult and want away from religion due to not believing i have a right as a human being to make my own choice in life
Davy Ward
10th August 2015
Reason I want to set the record straight; I am not a Catholic, not even remotely religious. I was forced to be a catholic by a warped society in Ireland. It was never my choice and they should remove all records held in my name.
Dean Cassidy
10th August 2015
Reason No diety
Dean McGuinness
7th April 2017
Reason The actions of the Catholic Church are beyond repair and unforgivable at this stage. By being part of the Catholic Church I feel that I am ultimately ENDORSING such actions. I do not endorse the actions by this organised religion. I am spiritual, and believe in the Source of all life, however I am not a member of such a draconian organised religion.
Dearbhla Byrne
28th December 2016
Reason I wish to do so
Debbie Morris
10th March 2017
Reason Tuam
Deborah Comerford
17th January 2018
Reason Stopped believing at 13, have strong feelings against organised religion in adulthood,
Deborah Kelly
29th May 2018
Reason I was not given a choice to belong to the Catholic Church and I would not have joined if i had been.
Deborah Morris
13th May 2023
Reason Non beliver
Deborah Nolan Gregory
9th March 2018
Reason Absence of belief in a fictional deity
Deborah Nolan Gregory
20th February 2019
Reason Atheism
Deborah O Callaghan
16th August 2020
Reason Want nothing to do with any religion
declan boyle
17th February 2018
Reason I do not believe that is a god!
Declan Lyons
25th January 2022
Reason I want too
Declan Paul Reynolds
15th October 2017
Reason I became a born again Atheist in 1997 when my father was taken from us too early. I realised then that there was no Roman Catholic version of God. I never asked to be baptised, make communion or confirmation. I spent five years as a altar server and almost considered being a priest (sucked in by the elaborate rituals). Locally I am an avid reader and read more than the ONE book that most Catholics have never even bothered to read. I tried to defect in 2011 but my “next of kin” (mother) refused to sign the form (as she is a devout believer). That was a frustrating hurdle before the RC changed the Canon Law. I believe it is a disgrace that an adult cannot leave the cult of his parents without their permission. I am not a Roman Catholic believer. It is a corrupt organisation, controlling people’s minds for money, power and status. The revelations of paedophilia should have put an end to the organisation but the brainwashing and cognitive dissonance still helped maintain a following. I want the Irish State to remove any Catholic intereference in our children’s schools. Religion is not any form of knowledge.
Deirdre Kearney
2nd September 2020
Reason How long have you got?!
Deirdre Kelly
8th March 2017
Reason Atheist
Deirdre Lynch
20th March 2017
Reason The Catholic Church does not represent any of my values and treats women as second class citizens and vessels.
Deirdre Savage
9th March 2018
Reason I was brought up in a religious family and it has caused nothing but pain and inequality. I do not in any way believe in the God that is painted by the Catholic church. The institutions behavior sickens me on every level, from casually disregarding women as anything other than baby-makers to organised pedophilia. I want nothing to do with this disgusting institution.
Deirdre Small
14th January 2021
Denis Bennett
23rd June 2016
Reason Long Overdue Decision
Denis Doyle
31st July 2018
Reason No longer need the church
Denis Wynne
26th March 2018
Reason utterly reject the insane teachings and dorma of the Roman Catholic Church who harbour and protect child rapists. Shameless monsters who visit hel;l on the innocent. Their crimes are unforgiveable
Denise Coffey
18th November 2016
Denise Duffy
7th June 2021
Reason No belief in the teachings of the church.
Denise Lyons
12th March 2017
Reason I am totally against everything this organised religion stands for. The Catholic Church is a patriarchal and anachronistic , and through its practices in Ireland has demonstrated a lack of empathy and love for ordinary people.
Denise Murray
26th August 2018
Reason I am an atheist and also do feel the Catholic Church as an institution upholds it’s on values in the way it conducts itself.
dennis davis
28th October 2018
Reason Religion divides while Spirituality connects so I prefer a Spiritual life and not a Religious one
Dennis Harty
7th June 2018
Reason It is literally a piece of malware running on a perfectly good operating system
Derek Laffan
24th July 2020
Reason Not a believer
Dermot Jordan
8th March 2016
Reason I have been atheistic for over 50 years. I reject all church dogma. Why can you not excommunicate me ?? Preferably with Bell Book and Candle ??
dermot lynch
17th January 2017
Reason there is no such thing as a god!
Dermot Lynch
26th March 2020
Reason Spiritual not religious
Dermot McLoughlin
14th January 2021
Reason No longer a believer in the supernatural
Des Mullally
10th August 2015
Reason I’m an athiest and I support a secular republic
Des Williams
16th August 2015
Reason Atheist
Devin Doyle
17th August 2015
Reason Atheist
Dez Lynch
16th August 2015
Reason atheist
Diana Olivares
2nd October 2016
Reason Logic
Diarmuid Graydon
28th January 2024
Reason I was baptised against my will, and having witnesses the abuses of the Church against myself, my loved ones and those who have come before me, I no longer wish to be associated with Roman Catholicism
Doireann Doyle
27th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in god and even if I did, I could not, in good conscience, be involved with a church who harbours paedophiles, women abusers and child killers in this country.
Dolores Unwin
17th July 2022
Reason The abuse suffered collectively and personally at the hands of the RC church in Ireland during the 1960s-1980s has left psychic and emotional scars. It helps to formally, albeit symbolically, cut these ties. I tried via count me out but failed.
Domhnall Malone
19th March 2017
Reason I’m an atheist and I despise the catholic church.
Dominick Mouroz
5th July 2017
Donagh Ward
20th May 2016
Reason Seriously?
Donal Leahy
10th August 2015
Reason I no longer believe in any supernatural beings or deities, and I wish to show support for church / state separation.
Donal Lynch
13th July 2018
Reason Does not agree with the teachings of organised religion
Dónal O’Flynn
10th August 2015
Reason From the time I was old enough to understand it I have never believed in any aspect of the Catholic faith. I would rather not have been baptised, made first confession, communion and confirmation. Confession I take particular issue with. What “sins” does a nine year old have to confess? If I get married I will have a humanist ceremony and when I die I will have left instructions for a humanist funeral followed by cremation. Apart from musical performances, for which churches are often a great venue, I only darken their doors for weddings and funerals. These are important occasions and if the people involved wish them to take place in a religious setting I am more than happy to attend out of respect for my friends and loved ones. The discontinuation of the “Declaration of Defection” process is an affront to the right of freedom of religion and I deplore those who made the decision.
Donal OFlynn
9th August 2015
Reason I don’t believe in it
Donald Walczak
4th June 2023
Reason Apostate
Donlon McGovern
22nd March 2020
Reason More bigotry and hatred towards others in this religion than those without
Donna Ni Bhaoill (Boyle at birth)
3rd January 2018
Reason I have found another way.
Donnchadh Reidy
11th February 2016
Reason I dont belive in fairytales
Doran Traylor
24th January 2016
Reason I disbelieve your superstitions and lack of evidence.
Dorothy Murphy
8th November 2016
Drew Murphy
9th March 2017
Reason I do not align with catholic practices
Dudley Colley
9th August 2015
Reason Aethiest to the bone
Duncan Casey
1st September 2018
Reason I no longer wish to be associated with an organisation that has continuously facilitated the commission of the most vile, disgusting crimes that any human can possibly commit, year after year, decade after decade. The organisation has taken decisions through action and inaction which are completely at odds with the core teachings of Christianity time and again. The hypocrisy, judgement, ignorance and sheer evil in their attitudes towards their followers is mind boggling. No more for me.
Dylan McBride
26th December 2018
Reason Athiest. Despise the catholic church
Éabha Calnan
3rd June 2024
Reason I have had my baptism, communion and confirmation in the Catholic Church. I do not think my values align with those of the church. I do not intend on rearing my children as catholic. I find little meaning in the church’s teaching. At this stage of my life, the religion I was baptised into does not resonate with me and so, I would like to cut my ties with the religion as I grow and discover my own path and meaning.
Eavan Derbyshire
17th November 2022
Reason Tuam, Magdelene Laundries, Savita Halappanavar, Ann Lovett, Ms. Y, Ferns, Blackrock College, my own abortion story. I could go on….
Ed Bermingham
29th July 2017
Reason Disbelief
Eddie Blake
15th November 2020
Reason I do not believe in what the Catholic Church teaches and I can’t ignore the abuse and systematic brain washing that the church caused in Ireland over the past 120 years
Edel Griffith
28th May 2018
Reason I am an atheist. I want to leave the Catholic Church. I am no practising and haven’t been for a very long time. I do not want to be associated with a group that devalues women and children so much.
Edel Grogan
16th August 2015
Reason Aethism
Edel Murphy
17th June 2021
Reason I don’t want to associated with such an insidious organisation. I don’t believe in religion in the whole.
Edell Cunningham
16th August 2015
Reason Im an atheist
Edmond Kirwan
11th July 2017
Reason I never chose this religion. I was forced into this contract against my will and believe the contract to be void
Edmond White
8th November 2018
Reason Totally disagree with the concept of organised religion.
Edward Duigenan
11th March 2017
Reason Catholicism is arrational
Edward Hands
28th February 2024
Reason I do not believe the teachings, and resent being forced to be catholic
Edward Ormonde
21st June 2018
Reason I don’t believe any of these fairy tales and think that religion is responsible for most of the evil in the world.
Edwina Lacy
17th December 2017
Reason I hate everything to do with the catholic church, especially the abuse of innocents. I do not wish to have any association with such a rotten and corrupt organisation.
Eileen McCarthy
25th December 2021
Reason I was baptised as a baby so i did not give my authority to join the catholic church
Eileen Nash
30th June 2021
Reason I will not stand by an institution that directly caused the deaths of thousands of First Nations children.
Eileen Reilly
9th August 2015
Reason I’m been an atheist since I was 12-13 years old. I find it frustrating that people assume I’m still a catholic because I was christened into the church.
Eilish Burke
28th January 2016
Reason To be free of the sense of shame I feel in connection with them and the sense of shame they have tried to foist upon myself and others.
Eimear Blunnie
29th May 2018
Reason I am atheist, and I have not considered myself a member of the church for many years. I don’t agree with its teaching, and I am horrified by the systemic abuse of people that the church is responsible for.
Eimear Boyle
29th July 2017
Reason Non believer and angry about church protecting paedophiles
Eimear Cotter
14th August 2019
Reason I did not choose to be part of the catholic church and I choose to decide for myself what my beliefs are. I dont believe in organised religion. I wish not to be part of any organised religion especially that of the catholic church.
Eimear O’Reilly
4th June 2017
Reason I cannot continue to be a member of an organisation which treats women as second class, which preaches ‘pro-life’ and then allows thousands of children to die in their care, which covers up years of abuse. My respect to those who hold their faith dearly, I support you. But I cannot support the institution of the Catholic Church any longer.
Eimear Shine
16th August 2015
Reason I am an athiest through and through and if I had it my way I would not have been baptised agaisnt my will let alone confirmed. I have been an athiest since the age of 13 and I think the catholic chirches hold on this country is dispicable.
Eimer D Foley
12th October 2015
Reason I have not believed in structured religion for a long time, and have finally decided I do not believe in God. I believe in the earth and the beauty that already exists, not some far off abstract holy reward
Eithne Flynn
10th March 2018
Reason I did not consent to my baptism or confirmation. Not allowing me to opt out is despicable. I do not wish to be counted as member of an organisation that stands in the way of my rights to opt out of membership, my rights to bodily autonomy, and the right to my child’s state education.
Elaine Buckley
3rd March 2017
Reason Long-time lapsed Catholic; zero belief in the religion; horrified by the legacy of abuse and oppression by the institution in Ireland.
Elaine Gaughran
9th March 2018
Reason I turned from the church at 12 years old when I first started listening and understanding in church. I quickly realised I agreed with very little of what was said. So I stopped going and supporting what I realised was sexist tripe. At some point over the next few years without giving it much thought I realised I did not buy into this God heaven and hell stuff. I have been resolute since then, over 20 years.
Elaine Harty
19th March 2022
Reason Non-practicing for 30 years, wish to be removed from the records.
Elaine Hurley
6th March 2017
Reason Appalled by church for years
Elaine Larkin
26th October 2016
Reason I do not share the religious beliefs of the Catholic Church
Elaine McSweeney
8th March 2019
Reason Given the choice I would never enter a religious organisation never mind the corrupt and hypocrytical Catholic one
Elaine Murphy
7th May 2018
Reason I can think for myself.
Elaine Murray
23rd March 2018
Reason I don’t believe in any deity or organised religion
Elaine O’Riordan
28th April 2023
Reason I am not catholic
Elaine Shannon
26th October 2016
Reason I hate everything they stand for.
Eleanor McMaster
18th June 2019
Reason Homosexual
Elizabeth Gorman
1st June 2017
Reason Atheism
Elizabeth Moon
25th July 2017
Reason I have no religion and feel uncomfortable branded as a believer. I was baptised as an infant and religion was forced upon me in school and church. These have not been my beliefs ever and for the past ten years I have wanted to remove myself from any religious institution. This is a hostage situation of sorts.
Elizabeth Murphy
27th August 2018
Reason I don’t align myself or my energy with the Catholic Church in any way, shape or form. And never will.
Ellen Conway
17th June 2018
Reason It was my parents choice to batize me. I had no say in the matter. I do not believe in the roman Catholic teaching
Ellen Greaney
5th July 2020
Reason I never consented to becoming a member
Ellen Leahy
7th March 2017
Reason Don’t beleive in anything the Catholic Church teaches. Also sickened by their treatment of human beings.
ellie munnelly
24th December 2023
Reason i am gay and hate this church
Elma Ryder
9th August 2015
Reason Atheist
Emer Gannon
28th May 2018
Reason Because I do not believe in Jesus christ is the son of God. I do not support the oppressive hypocrite that is the catholic religion, church and institution. I will never bring my children up in the catholic faith and believe that it has no place in schools or in our state system.
Emer Grant
25th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in Catholicism, I do not want to be associated with criminals – peadophiles and murders. I do not want to be controlled by the Catholic Church.
Emer Hanley
6th April 2017
Reason I completely and utterly disagree with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the hegemony of is hypocritical organisation. The Catholic Church pedals lies and is based on power, greed, hate and fear. I want out!
Emer O’Brien
21st October 2017
Reason Atheist –
Emiel Verbeeck
24th March 2019
Emily Dean
16th March 2018
Reason I am no longer Christian.
Emily Donnelly
1st November 2018
Reason I want nothing to do with the catholic church.
Emily Dunlea
2nd February 2019
Reason It is inequitable to impose any kind of religious belief onto children. To put it bluntly, religions are sects that promote interstices in society and the indoctrination of others. As soon as anybody can perform a public act in the name of a religion, or attend a religious institution, “beliefs” have been pushed well beyond their bounds. Religion is the weapon that has been wielded to repress people on the grounds of gender, sexuality, class and ethnicity. It has hindered life-enchancing scientific advancement, racial integration, and has been used as a reason to restrict publication of, and access to, literature. As a race, we should by this point be able to recognise that people do not derive morals from holy books- people look at these texts subjectively and decide what is a parable, what is so cruel that it’s surely only a warning and what should and should not be taken literally; this judgement indicates an innate moral reasoning that has nothing to do with religion. Religious institutions, especially those with self-administration and influence, are a dangerous presence; need the Magdalene laundries be mentioned? These organisations belong to the barbarous Medieval times of “morality plays”. No state should have anything even approaching a right to arbitrarily classify it’s citizens as belonging to a particular religion. My world views are incompatible with religion; even the concept galls me. Please do not edit this; it’s perfectly respectful. I’m gratefully using this service to defect insofar as is currently possible in this state.
Emily O’Keeffe
21st August 2017
Reason Don’t believe in the church
Emily OKeeffe
13th August 2018
Reason Don’t believe
Emily Reynolds
2nd May 2016
Reason I do not believe in or follow the teachings of the Church.
Emma Bailey
8th March 2023
Reason I am atheist
Emma Brennan
15th November 2017
Reason Not religious and it’s a sham that you can’t legally leave. Typically Irish!!
Emma Brennan
28th May 2023
Reason I have no religious beliefs
Emma Buchet
15th May 2018
Reason My beliefs do not align with those of the Catholic church.
Emma Burke-Kennedy
28th May 2018
Reason Utter contempt of the Catholic Church
Emma Gallagher
9th September 2018
Reason I do not bele
Emma Hurley
2nd March 2017
Reason No longer belive
Emma Keane
4th March 2017
Reason Atheism
Emma Lynch
7th March 2017
Reason Their behaviour towards women and children, hiding pedophiles, interfering in state issues that they have no right to interfere in, refusing bodily autonomy to women and Tuam. (I hope they all found peace.) Everything they do is full of hate. They should be ashamed of their corruption and tyranny.
Emma Lyons
27th December 2020
Reason I don’t feel accepted
Emma Meyler
5th February 2016
Reason In my opinion, science(and it’s clear evidence) is more valuable than religion and the “beliefs” that go along with it. I therefore find it completely unnecessary for me to participate and practice as a “child of God”
Emma O’Leary
18th September 2016
Reason I am not a practicing catholic and was baptised against my wishes as an infant. I no longer wish to be counted as a catholic in the records of the church.
Emma O\’Brien
11th April 2018
Reason I was never given a choice in this. As my parents have become increasingly involved in the church over the last few years (my father is now a deacon), I have become increasingly aware of the hypocrisy and bigotry of the church; it goes far beyond the usual objections. It infuritates me that supporting my parents means an occasional trip to mass, it infuriates that I\’m counted as a member of such an imorral organisation, and it infuriates me that I have to watch my younger sister be indoctritinated. The Church leeching onto people who want to leave to boost their numbers is one more example of how they\’re not much better than any other cult. The power the church still has in Ireland is truly frightening, and it sickens me that my parents refuse to examine the destructive aspects of the belief system they prop up, when in every other way they are the best people I know. Mostly, I\’m ashamed of myself for not putting my real name to this; the only excuse I have is hurt it would cause my parents to read it, and the embarrassment it would cause them if someone they knew did. I\’m sick of being complicit in propagating the church\’s bullshit, and I don\’t know how to balance that with my love for my family. I\’m tired.
Emma Patton
10th August 2015
Reason Do not believe in Catholicism
Emma Rossiter
29th May 2017
Reason I don’t believe in religion
Emma Ward
23rd August 2015
Reason I never chose to be Catholic, have not practiced the faith since 1993, have no agreement with the teachings of this church nor do I believe in its teachings
Emma Zajac
9th March 2018
Reason I don’t believe in God, and want nothing to do with the Catholic Church.
Emmett Vaughan
23rd August 2015
Reason I am an atheist for many years.
enda donnellan
9th March 2017
Reason non believer
Enda Fahy
29th May 2018
Reason The Roman church has always bowed to the rich and powerful. It dazzled the poor with a promise of an afterlife, but condemned them when they tried to make this life better. Shame on you all.
Enda Quealy
20th March 2017
Reason No comment
Eoghan Kiely
13th August 2017
Reason I don’t believe in it
18th May 2019
Reason I simply decided I didn’t believe in God or want to be religious any more.
Eoin Cleary
5th September 2017
Reason Atheist
Eoin Dixon Murphy
25th April 2016
Reason Non believer.
Eoin Gorman
11th March 2022
Eoin Leahy
13th January 2021
Reason Don’t want to be a Catholic
Eoin Maguire
8th January 2019
Reason I hate everything the Catholic church stands for
Eoin Manning
15th December 2020
Reason I do not believe in God.
Eoin McNinch
13th January 2021
Eoin Murphy
31st December 2021
Reason It’s all nonsense!
Eoin O’Byrne
11th March 2017
Reason I am an Athiest and have nor want to have any affiliation with the catholic or any other church.
Eoin Reynolds
12th January 2016
Reason I am an agnostic anti-theist
Eoin Ryan
7th November 2015
Reason I have spent a lot if time questioning religion. I was baptised and inducted into a faith which I was too young to understand. When I grew up and examined that faith, I realised I dd not want to be part of the Catholic Church. I fundementally disagree with the teachings of the orginization, I do not believe in their set if belifs, I do not wish to follow blindly, I do not wish to be associated with such a diagusting orginization
Eoin Smith
16th August 2015
Reason Not a Catholic
Eric Feehely
14th March 2017
Reason I don’t believe in any religion. I especially don’t want to be a member of such a vile organisation such as the Catholic Church.
Eric Fitzgerald
18th January 2018
Reason systematic abuse
Eric Mullins
25th August 2018
Reason not relevant
Erica Clohessy
15th January 2021
Reason No longer want to be associated with the religion or church
Erica O’Connell
15th April 2022
Reason Don’t believe
Erik Kovacs
7th February 2023
Reason Baptism without own knowledge, as a infant, without own choice
17th November 2019
Reason I no longer want to be part of false religion.
Erin Beevor
13th September 2016
Reason I was baptised as an infant to a religion that I hav
Erin Dekker
3rd April 2019
Reason My views and values do not align with the Catholic Church.
Erin McLoughlin
28th August 2018
Reason I am not Catholic
Ethan Brady
28th September 2023
Reason I now realise that religion is dangerous and it is also nonsense.
Ethan McDunphy
5th October 2022
Reason No Catholicism no more
Ethel Casey
6th March 2019
Reason I don’t believe in their god
Eugene Cara
16th June 2020
Reason I don’t agree with the church’s doctrine, I don’t believe what your church teachings say during the year of 2019. I however want to renounce my Baptism and my Catholic Faith. MY OWN DECISION OF LEAVING IS FINAL!
Eugene Hogan
17th December 2017
Reason I find myself unable to honestly say even the first line of the Nicene Creed. I believe in………. Not me,not anymore.
Eugene Mitchell
27th April 2020
Reason I am not a Catholic despite what their piece of paper says.
Eva D.
2nd February 2016
Reason I don\’t believe in god.
Eva Grundy
9th July 2018
Reason Church is irrelevant and criminal
Eva O’Donnell
11th August 2015
Reason There is no truth in blind superstition
Evan Ross
7th July 2019
Reason Don’t wanna be in the Church
Evelyn D’Arcy
2nd June 2018
Reason My parents baptised me in good faith and I thank them for that. However I cannot continue to remain part of a church which has continuously failed its people in the worst ways possible. No more control. No more fear. Enough is enough.
Evelyn Harte
9th June 2018
Reason Being part of this misogynistic club which in no way represents me and which I was baptised into a few days after birth sickens me. Everything they represent goes against everything I believe in as a woman and a feminist. Goodbye you load of hate filled sods, it’s nice to be free of you at last!
Evette Wade
20th March 2017
Reason I turned my back on that vile institution years ago and I symbolically do so again today. The entire organization should be torn down and its assets seized. Murders, rapists and abusers should be brought to justice. Proceeds from the sale of lands and church assets should be given to their victims.
Ewan Duffy
9th August 2015
Reason Zero interest in RC Church indoctrination
Ewan Lynch
22nd August 2015
Reason It’s all lies!
Fearghal Cotter
6th March 2017
Reason I have never really believed since I was young, I also detest the fact that its not choice – you are baptized and signed up to an organisation as its the “norm” and social stigma dictated it. While I have no issues with any priests or Catholics (generally) I have been in contact with (in fact, I would say some are lovely people who only mean the best), I think the fact that you are not “allowed” to defect is downright absurd and shows the backward thinking that is unfortunately still the views of the draconian minded Catholic organisation. I will be filling out the form for defection, they can view me in whatever light they want – I am considering this to be me formally defecting and renouncing the faith that was thrust upon me before I could even recognise the face that brought me into this world. In my eyes, religion is and should be a choice. I am 30 years old, and stopped believing when I was 12. I would have defected years ago only for the ramifications of marriage, childrens education and general social perception to name a few reasons. The list could go on, but the main fact of the matter is I just don’t buy into it and never have.
Feargus Power
22nd August 2018
Reason I don’t believe in any religion and certainly do not wish for the criminal organisation of the catholic church to include me as one of their members.
Felicity Fitzpatrick
8th March 2018
Reason I do not agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church
Felicity Howe-Prior
4th April 2017
Reason because the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.
Felim Murphy
18th March 2021
Reason I no longer want to be associated with an organisation that actively supports and maintains homophobia, sexism and pedophilia.
Ferg Flannery
7th May 2017
Reason I’ve had enough of this disgusting organisation
Fergal Cronin
10th August 2015
Reason Religion offers nothing of substance to society as a whole. Just pain and suffering, hypocrisy and ignorance. Immoral and evil. Holding back human progress to explore this amazing planet and universe: basing their rules on a bronze age book of contradictions. Constantly subverting human rights by claiming privilege. The obsession with suppression, especially of women. Guilting people from finding personal happiness. How liberating to be free to celebrate life without the yoke of religion and gods.Religion offers nothing of substance to society as a whole. Just pain and suffering, hypocrisy and ignorance. Immoral and evil. Holding back human progress to explore this amazing planet and universe: basing their rules on a bronze age book of contradictions. Constantly subverting human rights by claiming privilege. The obsession with suppression, especially of women. Guilting people from finding personal happiness. How liberating to be free to celebrate life without the yoke of religion and gods.
Fergal Moran
16th August 2015
Reason Never knowingly joined the church.
Fergal O’ Gara
6th March 2017
Reason eh one, of many, reason would be my absolute disgust at consistent abhorrent abuse of women and children by the catholic church. Not my church, not my religion, not in my name!
Fergus Lawrence
28th March 2018
Reason I can no longer in good conscience be a part of an organisation that is blatantly corrupt and abusive. The Catholic Church has covered up a multitude of crimes throughout its history and continues to do so to this day. Its practices are based on nothing more than fabrications and nonsense. The church limits human potential by entrapping its followers into a false and limiting belief structure. I personally will not be part of such an organisation.
Fergus Walsh
14th January 2021
Reason Was not asked did I want to join
Fiachra Woods
18th June 2018
Reason It wasn’t my choice to be baptised in the first place and it’s all a farce.
Fianna Murphy
18th September 2022
Reason Conversion
fiona cholbi
30th May 2018
Reason Atheist wishing to contribute to the decrease in power of the church over the Irish State and its people
Fiona Daly
29th August 2018
Reason Standing up for my right to choose what I do or don’t believe, my choice and also for all the wrong that the church have done to families horrific crimes to say the least why would anyone want to apart of this organisation? I hear the victims stories.. I can’t just forget these horrid abuse stories it’s time to stop listening to the priests and open our eyes wide. My faith is so strong but my faith has nothing to do with religion I am a good person and I now feel liberated to be free from this cult
Fiona Dunne
27th August 2018
Reason There is no god. I hate the church and the evil they stand for.
Fiona fanning
28th May 2017
Reason religion is toxic
Fiona Kiely
20th July 2016
Reason I am not religious.
Fiona Long
21st July 2017
Reason No belief in the teachings and the hypocricy of the clergy and hierarchy. I also am pantheist .
Fiona Moloney
27th May 2017
Reason Non believer
Fiona O’Connell
15th July 2018
Reason I don’t believe in the organization & what it stands for
Fiona Seery
7th July 2021
Reason My beliefs do not align with those of the catholic church
Fiona Stapleton
4th March 2020
Reason The church does not represent me.
Fionn Dorgan
10th March 2021
Reason I am an atheist.
Fionn Hannon
4th November 2018
Reason I’m not a religious
Fionne Austin
19th October 2022
Reason Consider myself an atheist
Fionnuala Judge
21st August 2018
Reason Fuck the lot of them. Criminals, paedophiles, they continue to rob us. How dare they look into the faces of the LGBT community or the abused.
Fionnuala Moran
27th October 2015
Reason I did not choose to join the church and don’t believe in divine overlords. I’m quite happy to live this as my only life and live well for the sake improving this tangible world, not to save myself a seat in the ‘afterlife’…
Frances Burke
26th June 2017
Reason I do not believe in religion
Francesca Pawelczyk
10th August 2015
Francine Ashe
7th April 2018
Reason I believe in evolution.
Francis Bolduc
26th August 2020
Reason Subjugation into faith
Francis Davis
17th August 2018
Reason Dont believe it’s the full story or the truth
Francis Devane
19th March 2017
Reason Atheist
Francis Glynn
20th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in God and have no time of respect for the Catholic church. I had no choice in being Baptised but would like now the choice to defect.
francis sinclair
10th August 2015
Reason now a free man
Frank OMoore
31st October 2016
Reason I am a septic, no proof of God, no proof of no god! Organised religion simply prey on the fear of death and in the case of the catholic church, I cannot forgive the systematic abuses and related cover ups. The gas thing is they think they still offer moral leadership, ha.
Gabrielle Nagle
3rd February 2019
Reason Non belief from a very early age (about 9) and now my utter disgust with the sick sex scandals that have been ongoing for centuries has spurred me on to defect from this sickening, corrupt, holier than thou establishment.
Gareth Brophy
9th June 2016
Reason The Catholic moral code is largely immoral.
garreth byrne
27th August 2018
Reason non believer
Gary Dunne
5th March 2017
Reason Not Catholic.
Gary Fitzpatrick
22nd May 2018
Reason I want to get away from this Luciferian controlled cult.
Gary Glennon
19th August 2018
Reason I don’t need an organisation to tell me how to love humanity or do the right thing.
Gary Kenny
2nd December 2019
Reason Need to be disassociated from the nonsense
Gary Lynch
8th March 2017
Reason Too numerous to mention. In short, I am an atheist. But it is also my belief that this institution is inherently corrupt and evil.
Gary Mahoney
10th August 2015
Reason I would like to leave the world’s largest liar network/criminal network/paedophile ring which continues to contribute to the stunting of human development.
Gary Merrigan
19th August 2022
Reason Was not given the choice
Gary Murphy
9th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist/ antitheist
Gary O’Brien
5th March 2017
Reason I was never a Catholic by choice, it was forced upon me by my parents. I was never a Catholic and after all the disgusting things the Catholic Church has done I don’t know how anyone else is either.
Gary PT
30th May 2018
Gavin Bosonnett
11th August 2018
Gavin Finnegan
9th August 2015
Reason There never has been and never will be a God.
Gavin Mc Sherry
29th August 2018
Reason There are too many reasons to list in a short statement. Simply, i never chose this and now i see through it all – it`s all man made nonsense.
Gavin Reilly
19th April 2016
Reason Lack of belief coupled with disgust at the multitude of ways the institutions and dogma of the Catholic Church have stunted the progression of humanity
Gearòid Fogarty
11th August 2015
Reason I am atheist.
Gemma Corkill
4th January 2019
Reason I do not align myself with the prejudice and teachings of the catholoc church.
Gene O’Donovan
10th March 2018
Reason I do not wish to be in any way associated with the morals, values , and traditions of such a horrible institution
Genevieve Kelly
7th June 2019
Reason I am an atheist, I never chose to join the Catholic Church. I am a pro-choice lesbian who wants absolutely nothing to do with that medieval institution.
Geneviève Kennedy
1st May 2017
Reason Atheism
Geoff Power
7th March 2017
Reason Because I’ve been an atheist for 25 years
Geoffrey Raleigh
30th August 2015
Reason Reason.
George Harmon
10th January 2019
Reason I have been Pagan for many years now.
Georgina O’Halloran
6th March 2017
Reason Was baptized by parents, but have never been a follower of the cult myself, even as a small child I seen through the fear and guilt that they built their empire on.
Georgina O`Mahony
30th May 2018
Reason Atheist for 25 years. Never believed but I was in a catholic school, run by nuns so there was no other choice. I have never considered myself catholic and do not want to be affiliated with the catholic church in any way. The sexual abuse, the mistreatment of communities and members, the blatant abuse of power, responsibility for the death of so many children, the vicious and vile verbal attacks against the same sex marriage referendum and now the same filthy, repugnant and truly horrifying things that they are saying now that the abortion referendum has passed. I am truly disgusted by all actions that the catholic church have taken in the past and all the actions they are currently taking. Their behaviour is beyond abhorrent.
Ger Byrne
28th May 2018
Reason The torture and suppression of women. The Magdalene Laundries, sexual abuse of children and it\’s cover up/facilitation, Tuam.babies Tec etc,
Ger Vallely
9th August 2015
Reason It was not my choice to enter the church. As an adult I have long waited to leave. I have no connection to a church and find many of the workings of the Catholic Church to be quite abhorrent.
Gerald Murran
2nd February 2018
Reason Catholic Child abuse and an abuse victim myself
Geraldine Daly
15th November 2015
Reason Athiest
Geraldine Kelly
22nd June 2020
Reason I don’t believe in God and despise the Catholic Church
8th September 2017
Reason I don’t want to be defined by religion
Gerard Adrian Lawlor
18th October 2023
Reason Abuse victim
Gerard Curley
26th January 2016
Reason No longer want to be associated with such an evil, corrupt institution that puts wealth power and control over Christ’s simple teachings in the Bible
Gerard Fitzpatrick
9th September 2018
Reason I care about truth and reality respect for my fellow human beings something this church knows absolutely nothing about, I have been an atheist for many years now and dont want my name attached to this organisation anymore.
Gerry McClelland
22nd August 2015
Reason I don’t believe in the God they have created.
Gerry Tully
30th April 2024
Reason I never chose religion, I was baptised as part of Ireland’s cultural expectation. I now choose my own path of peace and personal growth.
Gill Leo
29th May 2018
Reason Disillusioned
Gillian Kearns
10th August 2017
Reason Atheist since age 12, find the church, it’s history and it’s teaching abhorrent.
Gillian Lamb
11th March 2017
Reason Child abuse
Gillian Nooney
16th May 2021
Reason Not a practising and I’m a sinner
Gina Dooley
18th August 2015
Reason Non believer
Gina Skero
17th April 2018
Reason I have been studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses for the last year and a half.
Glenn Ahearn
10th August 2015
Reason Atheist. I worship science fact not fiction
glenn gibson
9th March 2017
Reason No faith
Grace Seymour
27th August 2018
Reason Everything the church stands for.
Grace Smith
8th June 2017
Reason The Church’s emphasis on guilt and sin led me to develop severe depression, especially once I realized I was gay. I refuse to view myself as lesser or an abomination, and I deserve to love and be loved.
Graeme Carter
21st August 2017
Reason Religion and churches are nothing special, and yet, if they were real, they should be.
Graham Bailey
30th May 2019
Reason I’m an intelligent, educated, informed adult who hasn’t believed in fairytales for decades.
Graham James Gérard Mills
10th July 2018
Reason I no longer have faith in anything to do with RCC my children will never be baptised within your organisation
Graham Maher
21st July 2023
Reason Non-believer
Graham Quinn
16th August 2015
Reason Based on all available evidence or lack thereof , I do not believe in any supernatural gods or an afterlife. I am an atheist.
Gráinne Coll
12th April 2021
Reason I don’t want to be associated with an organisation that prioritises the sanctity of a sham over the safety and well-being of the people it claims to love.
Gráinne Prendergast
24th April 2016
Reason Atheist by choice
Gretta Dattan
23rd February 2017
Reason I am an atheist and reject all dogma and ideology of the Catholic Church.
Gwen Conway
21st January 2022
Reason Hate it here
27th May 2015
Hallie W
24th November 2020
Reason I’m pagan
Hanna O Kane
20th January 2021
Reason Do not want to support the Catholic church
Hannah Campion
17th December 2020
Reason This church goes against everything I stand for and I no longer want to be considered part of it.
Hannah Phelan
22nd July 2017
Reason Atheist
Hannah Shortt
19th November 2016
Reason I don’t like or practise catholicism. The church has far too much say over the state and this needs to change.
Harvey Brezina Conniffe
15th February 2021
Hayley Brabazon
26th May 2018
Reason I am not a second class citizen because of my gender. Today, Ireland gave women body autonomy
Hazel O’Neill
13th August 2018
Reason I disagree with and am outraged by the ethos, faith, morals, judgemental and misogynistic attitude, and criminal history of the Catholic Church in Ireland and internationally
Hazel Wills
13th March 2018
Reason Do not believe in the ways of the Catholic church and no longer want to be part of an organisation I didnt have a choice to be in.
Heather Collins
15th January 2021
Reason Do not wish to be associated with mass murders and child rapists
Heather Everitt
4th August 2022
Reason I have no religious beliefs. Was not my choice to be baptized.
Heather McPolin
18th September 2018
Reason I believe in separation of church and state, and I’m atheist anyway.
Helen Cantrell
10th March 2017
Reason No longer want to be associated with the Church
Helen Doyle
16th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist
Helen Matthews
6th February 2023
Reason When I was 11 years old I started to question many things about Catholicism. I remember asking my mother about how women were treated in the Church. She told me where stillborn babies go, the state of limbo, and how she lied to priests so they would baptise them. Conveniently this was removed by the CC. Along with other medieval things like ‘Churching’ a woman after she has given birth because apparently we are unclean after giving life. My mother thought she was going to hell for lying about to that priest. I asked my mother Why it was wrong for women to seek abortions even in the case where the baby is clearly dead. I could not wrap my head around her response. Her a nurse!! It made no sense. I asked my father about his idea of Heaven. Why he thought our pet dog would not be in heaven with us. It made no sense. This level of hubris. Why would we as creatures on this earth be anything more special or more deserving than any other creature on earth. What is this soul they keep referring to. It makes no sense. It is utter hubris to think we are in any way different. Nothing made sense to me and I began to question my families unwavering belief. For a long time I believed in ‘some sort of God’ as a way of explaining our existence. Ibrefused to get married in a Church much to my families chagrin. Then as a ‘good girl’ not wanting to ‘rock the boat’ I even had my children baptised. 40 years later I have no belief whatsoever. I refuse to indoctrinate my children any further in to any cult just for them to be controlled and mistreated. In this day and age people need to wake up and realise that these people are evil and all they want is to control us. They no more believe in a higher power than the man in the moon. They believe they are the higher power. They are all a bunch of hypocrits.
Helen O’Beirne
4th December 2018
Reason Atheism
Helen O’Shea
31st October 2014
Ho Bong Sin
23rd December 2015
Reason Personal
holly breen
28th May 2018
Reason Atheist
Holly Flynn
2nd August 2016
Reason Practiscing Witcch for over a decade
Holly Johnstone
29th August 2018
Reason Abuse/corruption/cover ups/ denial/ murder
Holly Meehan
28th June 2021
Reason Disgust with the Catholic church for their various abhorrent abuses worldwide and archaic views on issues affecting women, lgbt people, etc.
Holly Simmons
7th March 2017
Holly Young
25th June 2020
Reason I no longer believe in any deity
Hope Byrne
1st September 2018
Hugh McDaid
20th August 2015
Reason Atheist.
Hugh O’Higgins
31st July 2020
Reason I do not hold to the belief system of the Catholic Church. I am an Atheist.
Ian Canavan
28th May 2018
Reason It’s all bullshit
Ian Cullen
3rd December 2021
Reason I hold no faith of the roman catholic church and want to be removed from their congregation.
Ian Fenny
10th August 2015
Reason Atheist. Catholicism, as with all religions, is abhorrent to me.
Ian Flynn
13th March 2018
Reason Lack of redress for child abuse victims, misogyny, hipocracy, corruption, control of education and indoctrination and it all just makes no sense to me.
Ian Gourlay
31st March 2024
Reason No interest in religion
Ian James
26th January 2020
Reason I believe that religeous belief is incompatible with being intelligent and educated
Ian Lawton
11th March 2017
Reason I could write a book on the myriad reasons for doing so, but for brevity, I became atheist at age 6, although I didn’t know there was a name for it at the time. I have not belonged to the organisation my parents signed me up for at my birth. They were merely partaking in cultural hegemony and tradition. I do not blame them. I am appalled at still being included as a member of an organisation that I was signed up for when too young to understand and remain vehemently opposed to my entire adult life. One day, I will find a way for you to excommunicate me.
Ian Quigley
21st November 2018
Reason I have never recognised my membership in this gang of perverted bigots; I was signed up while still too young to protest
Ian Stewart
24th May 2017
Reason Athiest
Ian Sullivan
23rd November 2023
Reason moving away from the roman catholic church and its unfit beliefes in todays society
Imelda Kearns
9th April 2017
Imelda Peppard
31st August 2015
Reason I have not accepted the existence of god or willingly participated in religious practice since my first communion.
Isabel de Sena Cortabitarte
4th October 2016
Reason Atheist
Isabelle Neenan
20th September 2023
Reason Don’t believe in god. Don’t believe in the Catholic Church. Don’t believe in religion.
Isaiah Crockett
21st June 2020
Reason No longer align with Christian/Catholic values.
Iseult O’Donoghue
16th August 2015
Reason No faith, rejection of dogma, disgust with hierarchy
ivor hession
15th August 2017
Reason I am and Atheist and am appalled at the churches behaviour both past and present. I see no future for the church and believe it should be removed in every way from the state apparatus.
J Wish
11th May 2017
Reason None believe
Jacinta O’Shea
11th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist
Jack Fitzpatrick
9th November 2023
Reason Loss of faith and and complete disagreement with the Catholic Church and the manipulation of original scripture to suit their own twisted views
Jack Hayden
17th February 2017
Reason Religion is made up.
Jack Kinsella
3rd November 2020
Reason I wrote a letter of official defection in late 2011. I’d like to record that here too.
Jack O’Donnell
16th June 2019
Reason Do not support or believe in the Catholic Church’s bigoted and old-fashioned views
Jack Phillips
24th July 2018
Reason I stopped believing in imaginary friends
Jackie Malone
29th May 2018
Reason Non believer
Jacqueline Lynch
17th January 2023
Reason Fed up with corruption,no women priests, abuse of children to name just 3 reasons.
Jacques Vigne
3rd April 2019
Reason 1) Evolving towards a spirituality beyond religion 2) Sending a good example of spiritual independence to people still under the sway of catholic credulity 3) Contradicting the perverted manipulations of the Church that you cannot contradict the effect of your baptism. They are really in a delusion of omnipotence, it should be strongly and publicly pointed out 4) And of course, all the scandals about child abuse and hidden homosexuality, especially in the high spheres of the Vatican 5) Catholic administration not being firm enough against islam, as if they add a common agenda and interest of letting believer in ignorance and dependence.
Jacqui Kiely
6th August 2018
Jacqui Madden
10th August 2015
Reason Atheist
Jade Dekker
17th August 2015
Reason I have long been someone who has questioned everything and have questioned religion many times. I came to the conclusion that I prefer science, fact and evolutionary facts over crazy religious ideas. It’s as simple as that for me. I removed myself from the Catholic Church a long time ago.
Jade Lam
22nd May 2018
Reason Lack of belief in Catholic Church and it’s teachings. Hatred of Church and how it treats miniotites
James Allen
4th March 2016
Reason Don’t want to be associated with anti-abortion organisation which also systematically abused children for hundreds of years.
James Behan
27th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in a god.
James Byrne
5th June 2018
Reason Vile actions of the church
James Carey
6th March 2017
Reason where do I start.
James Carpenter
18th May 2019
Reason Joining Jehohah eitgnesd
James Corcoran
6th July 2016
Reason God is not reap.
James Deely
28th July 2020
James Donnelly
12th March 2017
Reason I do not believe in the Church’s ideals
James Doolan
29th April 2016
Reason Atheism
James Eglseder
27th March 2016
Reason Science
James Gorman
13th March 2021
Reason Don’t want to be considered a part of their revolting cult.
James Gough
13th January 2021
Reason Disgust.
James Hogan
30th May 2018
Reason Chruc
James Hyland
14th September 2016
Reason I don’t believe in the doctrine any more and don’t wish to associate myself with the organization.
James Kelly
18th August 2015
Reason reason and common sense have persuaded me that my imaginary friend in the sky does not exist !
James Mc Donnell
4th October 2017
Reason I woke up to the lie’s and mind control.
James McKenna
27th August 2018
Reason Brain working properly
James Mulligan
7th March 2021
Reason Don’t agree with the church’s actions
James O’ Neill
29th February 2016
Reason I reject Christian or any other religious beliefs and the concepts of a deity or an afterlife and consider my membership of the Catholic church against my wishes as unjust and totally unacceptable.
James O’Neill
15th December 2015
James Reilly
16th December 2017
Reason To each their own but I’m not a believer in any way and resent being tagged as such. Would love to see a completely secular state with people free to practice or not practice religion without inflicting their belief system on others.
James Sullivan
12th May 2021
Reason It’s a satanic cult
James Taylor
27th February 2020
Reason Don’t like it
James White
28th December 2019
Reason I cannot be a part of an organisation that is founded on lies, half-truths and deception. It readily and unforgivingly ostracises minorities and will not reflect on its own moral failings.
Jamie Corrigan
17th September 2018
Jana Naughton
25th May 2019
Reason Growing up in Ireland I was always made to feel a monster for ever questioning Catholic ethics. It was only by travelling to explore other cultures, researching other religions and reading a range of philosophies that you do not need the medium of religion to guide the life you live. Since this awakening, I have found paths and beliefs that resonate with me far more than my doubtful experiences of Catholic teachings in which I was forced to trust by a frightened and conservative Ireland. Now I can say I will not listen to a church that uses its power over its people in the worst possible ways and has done so for decades – I don’t want my name to be any part of it.
Jane Dickson
30th May 2018
Reason I was signed up for membership of this organisation when I was an infant. I have never taken part in their rituals as an adult. I do not wish to be counted as a member. Religion means nothing to me and I don’t want to be bound by its laws.
jane murphy
10th June 2016
Reason I don’t agree with the beliefs of the catholic church or the way they attempt to influence the running of the state.
Jane Rance
12th April 2022
Reason It’s a brainwashing cult
Janell Ebel
21st May 2020
Reason Change of belief system.
Janet Benson
18th March 2017
Reason No longer believe
Janice Ahern
1st February 2016
Reason I do not support the beliefs of the catholic church.
Janine Cahoon
27th March 2019
Reason Involuntary baptized into the Catholic Church. I do not agree with the views
Janine O’Reilly
29th May 2018
Reason I don’t want to belong or associated to a religion that dictates how we live our lives and our moral beliefs, when they think its acceptable for their leaders to abuse the vulnerable . I am a Christian and have my own good beliefs and would not act to harm another
Jasmine Connolly
7th July 2019
Reason I do not believe that any God exists. I do not believe that heaven or hells exist. I think that science is a better system to “believe” in.
Jason Cowman
29th September 2017
Reason Spiritual, philosophical, scientific, rational, personal and mental health reasons
Jason Fahy
2nd May 2023
Reason Have never believed in Catholic Doctrine
jason genovese
1st May 2023
Reason grief from the passing of my grandfather caused me to lose faith and belief in god and religion
Jason Looney
29th May 2018
Reason Am in no way religious
Jason McGrath
28th November 2016
Reason I was indoctrinated into the church before I was old enough to think for myself and have long since known that I don’t want to be associated with a religion I don’t believe nor respect.
Jason Rooney
28th August 2018
Reason Paedophlia. Mysogny. Obscene wealth. It’s a long list
Jason Williams
3rd March 2023
Reason Hierarchy
jassette Fitzsimons
6th September 2017
Reason I was baptized when i was a baby as everyone was it was the done thing to do and the only way to ensure your child would get into a school. I did not consent to this i couldn’t even talk. I never believed in anything and when children were finding out that santa didnt exist i would try add in that god didnt either. Religion is not a part of my life in any way and i wish to be removed from the register of the catholic church. I do not wish to be part of something that has done so much wrong in the world.
Jeananne Withero
14th January 2021
Reason No longer want to be a part of their cult.
jeanne core
29th June 2017
Reason I no longer believe in god and am absolutely opposed to religion.
Jemma Cassidy
9th November 2017
Reason Have never believed in any of the teachings of the catholic church, mass covering of child abuse & overall treatment of women
Jen Sorensen
21st January 2018
Reason Non-believer/pagan
Jenifer Simmons
1st May 2017
Jennifer Bradshaw
20th March 2017
Reason Not an adult choice. Forced upon me as an infant
Jennifer Cowley
10th March 2018
Reason No longer Catholic. Non believer.
Jennifer Donohue
18th July 2017
Reason No longer practicing
Jennifer Escalante
8th September 2019
Reason I disagree with the criminal acts and patriarchy of the church and no longer wish to be affiliated.
Jennifer Gillick
28th May 2018
Reason Non believer
Jennifer Keating
11th May 2023
Reason No longer wish to associate with the catholic church
Jennifer Lyons
29th May 2018
Reason Atheist
Jennifer O’Grady
12th July 2018
Reason Catholicism is a load of fairy nonsense that I was entered into as an infant with no say.
Jennifer Walsh-Rupakheti
10th August 2015
Reason I am not a Catholic
Jennifer Young
29th May 2018
Reason I don’t believe in God anymore.
Jerzy Wrzesinski
10th August 2015
Reason I am not bellive
Jess Lynch
17th August 2020
Reason I don’t want to be part of a church which has been responsible for the disgusting abuse and inhumane treatment of women and children since the inception of the state and particularly under DeValera and McQuaid’s rule.
Jessica de Búrca-Montague
25th June 2018
Reason I do not believe the fairytale.
Jessica Kavanagh
10th August 2017
Reason There is no such thing as a god and I having refused to have my children baptised despite the insistence of my family, I wish to lead by example in having it noted that I do not consider myself a member of any religious organisation.
Jessica Lee
14th May 2024
Reason I do not believe in any religion or god. I did not join with informed consent and wish to leave. My family and I are staunch atheists and only acknowledge science as evidence. I also resent the forceful retention of members in the Catholic church.
Jessica Potter
11th December 2021
Reason I did not consent to be baptised as I was only a baby
4th December 2015
Reason Atheist
Jill Whelan
9th August 2015
Reason I was baptised when I knew no better. I am not a Catholic and have never considered myself as such. I am an atheist. I do not believe in any God or worship any perceived higher power and do not want to be associate with the Catholic Church or any other church.
jim byrne
16th June 2017
Reason Non believer
10th August 2015
Jo Lee
9th April 2018
Reason The Catholic Church has far too much to answer for and failed far too many innocent people with its backwards ideologies for me to want anything to do with it. Systematic abuse and denial of women’s rights to bodily autonomy are not something I can put any faith in.
Joan Yvonne Dominique Dumecz
23rd May 2016
Reason Non catholic believer
Joanna Nolan
27th August 2018
Reason I would not want to be associated with the horror that is the Catholic Church. I wish to defect for the beatings my parents amd grandparents were given my the priests and the nuns. For the victims of abuse over decades. For the people who believe but are turned away because of their sexuality. For the women of the Magadelene Laundries, treated like they were nothing. For those poor nameless babies in Tuam. For every disgusting stain on Irish History caused by the Catholic Church.
Joanne Brock
10th August 2015
Reason I as an infant had no ability to consent to being baptised. As an adult I do not consent to being considered a member of your institution. I demand that I be immediately removed from any registry that lists me as having been baptised a catholic.
Joanne Mitten
5th March 2017
Reason I never chose to be indoctrinated into this utter disgrace of an organisation. I was very lucky to have parents who knew what nonsense it was and never enforced the religion on me. But unfortunately it was the “done thing” in the 80s… My mother wouldn’t have dared not baptise me. Luckily we all now live in enlightened times and are ready to stand up to a state that insists on entwining itself with an outdated, barbaric, sexist and homophobic institution.
joanne o meara
4th April 2016
Reason i do not believe in religion or god
Jocelyn Doyle
9th May 2017
Reason Firm, unwavering atheism and an utter contempt for this corrupt cult.
Jody Neville
9th August 2015
Reason When I was old enough to make a choice about my religion I chose not to have one. The choice was taken out of my hands when I was baptised as a baby, too young to know what my hands were, never mind to know what religion I was.
Joe Dixon
28th October 2022
Reason Don’t believe in God
Joe Doherty
27th March 2016
Reason The attempts to cover up the child abuse and i also dont believe in god
Joe Hayes
11th August 2015
Reason I’m an atheist
Joe Lysaght
30th May 2018
Reason Atheist
25th February 2023
Reason I do not believe and abhor the Catholic church
Joe Ree
12th May 2018
Reason Have not believed for many years, but comments from Bishop Farrell on abortion put me in a position where I did not want any association with the church
Joe Smith
21st June 2018
Reason I had no choice as a baby, I had no choice as a Child & now an adult i choice to do whats right. The Catholic should be a shamed for all the Brain washing that every child has had by the only choice of going to catholic schools & been forced to say prays & so on. so as the Dragons on the den say for that reason I’M OUT…..
Joel West
3rd March 2016
Reason Don’t want to be associated
Johanna Flood
13th January 2021
Reason Mother and Baby homes
Johanna Kenny
5th May 2018
Reason I will not be a member of an organization so heavily associated with pedophiles, child abuse, rape, enslavery of women, and the murdering of babies.
John Brett
29th June 2017
Reason Never believed
John Burton
18th February 2017
Reason Atheist looking to completely sever ties to something so resctrictive and rediculous. Imaginary beings should not have a say in anything other than a good story.
john collis
18th November 2019
Reason Dont want to be associated to that dysfunctional group
John Cussen
30th May 2018
Reason I have no time for this cynical, money and power oriented church. There are some good people in it but the Vatican is corrupt. I hate their involvement in schools.
John Eardly
20th February 2023
Reason My Christian faith is no longer compatible with core tenets of Catholic teaching.
John Finbar Lynch
30th March 2016
Reason I do not believe in God and resent the control that the Catholic Church exerts over Irish society.
John Gavin
30th March 2017
Reason It’s 2017 and the Catholic Church still has not changed.
John Hamill
31st October 2014
John Hayden
16th September 2020
Reason I never asked to be baptized. I was forced to do my confirmation into a cult that I do not believe in nor do I support.
John Herrieven
7th March 2017
Reason Because I was indoctrinated as a child and never had a choice, and anyway, I no longer wish to be associated with an organisation that tries to cover up infantacide, clerical child sex abuse and monopolise education in my country.
John Hoban
19th May 2018
Reason I’m an atheist.
John Hughes
15th February 2019
Reason I no longer wish to have any connection with this vile organisation.
John Kelly
22nd June 2020
30th August 2018
John Kubiak
30th October 2018
Reason I did not choose to be, nor want to be, a member of a hypocritical religious institution which does not recognise the equality of women, and is responsible for the systemic abuse of children throughout the world.
John Lane
17th August 2015
Reason Because it’s all a load of garbage
John MacMenamin
1st January 2021
Reason Unbeliever
John Mangan
19th April 2019
Reason I am an atheist
John Manning
10th August 2015
Reason No say in joining, no option to leave. The saddest thing is that even as a small child I knew none of the doctrine made the slightest bit of sense, yet I told myself I must try harder and harder to believe, because surely this wouldn’t be taught (as fact) if it were not true. It took me until I was about 20 years old to finally reject it all – 20 years of struggling with the faith that I could have done without. My understanding of myself, others and how the world works skyrocketed once the utter nonsense of religon was removed from my life. Thasnks for the opportunity to defect, even if only symbolically.
John Murphy
18th February 2022
Reason The way the Catholic Church has behaved and how they have protected known abusers.
John Murray
8th November 2015
Reason I am an atheist.
John OConnell
20th March 2017
Reason I do not wish to be used as a statistic to enforce dogma that I actively oppose.
John Phelan
27th July 2017
Reason Joint another religion and don’t believe in da Catholic faith
John Phelan
2nd August 2020
Reason Atheist
John Ralph
1st February 2024
Reason At odds with my current beliefs.
John Rock
21st March 2021
Reason Disenfranchisement
John Sharkey
16th August 2018
Reason I completely reject all Catholic teachings and find it abhorrent that I cannot formally leave the Church as I might leave any other organisation or club.
John Smith
12th January 2017
Reason I am an antitheist. I find the teaching of the church to be completely at odds with my own believes. With are all religions are immoral , vile and wicked.
John Smith
17th June 2019
Reason To become a born again Christian
john stokes
11th March 2017
Reason the roman church is under satanic power. the damage it has done to ireland and its people, and to people across the world is evil.
John Synnott
5th January 2016
Reason Atheists
John Wilde
28th May 2018
Reason I do not believe in any Gods.
John-Paul Whearty
10th August 2015
Reason Im an atheist
Johnny Lawlor
8th May 2017
Reason No religious belief, resent being a statistic
Johnny Thornton
5th September 2016
Reason Atheist
Jon Doyle
27th August 2018
Reason Having read the bible and studied the history, you come to realize that all religions are just a tool to control the masses. The word of god has changed a lot over the centuries to suit whatever maniacs are in power at the time. If anyone did even the smallest amount off research about the history of the catholic church, you’d see this is not an organisation set up for the good of mankind. Most of the popes were some of the most evil bastards of all time.
Jonathan (John Thomas) Ryan
26th June 2018
Reason Too many to list
Jonathan Calloway
26th September 2020
Reason It’s not true, and I refuse to be controlled anymore by a lie.
Jonathan Carr
20th June 2017
Reason Atheism
Jonathan Dowling
16th August 2015
Reason Do not agree with Catholic philosophy of life
Jonathan Dunne
7th July 2017
Reason Changing Canon Law in Ireland to make it imposible for people to leave the Catholic Church says A LOT about the institution. In return, I will not baptise my child. When she’s of sound mind (unlike me as a baby when I was baptised) she can make her own decision. I’m not taking that right away from her. I urge others to do the same. What goes ’round comes around. Religion comes from within; it’s not a subscription.
Jonathan Nolan
16th August 2015
Reason Not religious / spiritual
Jonathan Nolan
16th January 2021
Reason I Do not want to be associated with criminals. I do not prescribe to any controlling deity or any of its followers. I am a human with my own mind and self of being.
Jonathan Palumbo
8th September 2018
Reason Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Jonathan Travers
28th August 2018
Reason I have not believed in the church or organised religion for 20+ years. I no longer want to help swell their numbers by being a registered \”member\” of their organisation.
Jonathon Wyse
16th August 2015
Reason I do not believe in organised Religion, I view Catholicism as an oppressive regime who have robbed us of any meaningful connection to spirituality due to its physical structure of control.
Jordan Lapsley
21st July 2018
Reason Gay marriage, Anti Abortion, Raping Kids… Need I go on?
Jordan Maher
16th January 2021
Reason Only wanted confirmation money.
Jordan Ní Mhathúna
14th December 2016
Reason I am ashamed of being a part of the Catholic church. I didn’t ask to be a part of it. I should be legally allowed to leave.
Jorge Canales
25th February 2016
Reason church has become political and due to scandals, dislike pope so forth
9th October 2017
Reason atheist and i don’t like sex offenders
Joseph Campbell
12th February 2018
Reason Statitics have a social and cultural power. Wikipedia says the Catholic Church has 1.29 billion members. I’m displeased that my baptism (and the baptisms of countless others) are encompassed in this number. For that reason I would like to formally leave the church.
Joseph D
8th November 2017
Reason Abuse in Catholic grade school by psychotic, delusional, nuns and mentally unstable lay teachers. I never really believed in God or what the Catholic Church taught as a child. I can fly my way through life without having the clipped wings of believing in God and the Catholic Church.
Joseph Gleeson
9th August 2015
Reason Cant stand organized religion
Joseph Mansfield
20th June 2018
Reason Its all a Con
Joseph Ryan
26th August 2018
Reason Identify as atheist
Joseph Williams
12th December 2019
Reason Not an active Church member, rejecting cultural Catholicism as harmful and problematic.
joseph wood
9th September 2018
Reason lack or belief in docterine, revulsion at the behaviour of the roman catholic church
Josephine Boles
8th March 2017
Reason I want no association with any organised religion especially the catholic church
These are names 501-1,000 on, together with the people’s reasons for symbolically defecting from the Catholic Church (or any other church). You can read other names and reasons at the links below.
Names 1-500 | Names 501-1,000 | Names 1,001-1,500 | Names 1,501-2,000 | Names 2,001-2,500
Leave a comment at with your name and your reason for symbolically defecting, and we will record it on this website. If you want to remove your name, send us an email and we will do so.