These are names 1,501-2,000 on, together with the people’s reasons for symbolically defecting from the Catholic Church (or any other church). You can read other names and reasons at the links below.

Names 1-500 | Names 501-1,000 | Names 1,001-1,500 | Names 1,501-2,000 | Names 2,001-2,500

Leave a comment at with your name and your reason for symbolically defecting, and we will record it on this website. If you want to remove your name, send us an email and we will do so.

Patrick Michael Lambe
8th March 2018
Reason Knew from a young age that religion was hocus pocus – went with it, family not especially Catholic but culturally trapped. Newly enlightened with reading and research. So relieved to getting away from RC and religion.

Patrick Murphy
20th May 2022
Reason Don’t believe in any of it.

Patrick Nelson
16th December 2016
Reason Now an atheist

Patrick Quilligan
17th August 2019
Reason Common sense

Patrick Skeffington
22nd June 2021
Reason I have become a secular athiest and as an apostate from the catholic church wish to renounce all ties to a church that is undemocratic, discriminatory and outdated yet masquerades as loving, kind and inclusive.

Patrick Thai
7th February 2016
Reason I am now Secular Humanist

Patrick Walsh
7th March 2017
Reason Athiest

Paul Boutelleau
19th March 2019
Reason I don´t believe in God

Paul cahill
17th August 2015
Reason I do not believe in many of the Churches doctrines, teachings, opinions and dogmas.

paul colgan
17th August 2015
Reason I don’t believe the stories and I could NEVER be conditioned

Paul Conaty
16th September 2018
Reason Never wanted to be a member

Paul Coppock
8th July 2016
Reason Atheist

Paul Corcoran
9th August 2015
Reason Atheist

Paul Donnellan
9th May 2017
Reason Religion is the biggest scam ever and I formed this opinion in my early teens leading to conflict with my brainwashed parents which still reverberates in my life today.

Paul Duane
15th August 2015
Reason I am a non-believer.

Paul Finlay
19th March 2018
Reason At 12 years of age, when I discovered that Santa was a fantasy, I realised that God was also a fantasy. Religion has its place in our world, but it should not be controlling our lives.

Paul Ford
27th August 2018
Reason i have never had faith nor will i ever support such a corrupt and vile organisation

Paul Gordon
17th August 2015
Reason I am not a catholic and reject utterly the Catholic Church’s claim to speak for me.

Paul Hanratty
17th February 2019
Reason Non believer of Religion

Paul Kelly
9th August 2015
Reason Religion is nonsense

Paul O
29th August 2017
Reason Because I didn’t chose this.

Paul O’Connor
15th March 2018
Reason I am an atheist and I do not subscribe to a great many of the Catholic Churches teachings, some of which play a part in furthering discrimination against me, a gay man.

Paul o’Shea
9th September 2018
Reason Business, none of your fucking!

Paul Power
23rd April 2018
Reason Do not believe in religion

Paul Richardson
24th December 2015
Reason God is not real. The church covered up the rape and torture of children. Theres nuch more

Paul Rogers
19th March 2017
Reason I am an Atheist

Paul Ryan
21st May 2018
Reason I have not been a practicing Catholic in over 30 years. I don’t believe in God, any God, and despise the role the Catholic Church plays in modern society.

Paul Sammon
21st September 2020
Reason Atheist

paul stanton
6th March 2019
Reason Grew out of imaginary friends and various abuses of the Catholic Church

Paul Upton
10th September 2018

16th August 2015
Reason I’m not catholic, I’m a Buddhist

Paula Egan
28th February 2023
Reason I am now an Evangelical christian

Paula Healy
10th August 2015
Reason I wish I’d defected ages ago!

Paula Loughlin
18th January 2021
Reason I have not been a practicing Catholic for many years having realised that as children we were essentially brainwashed by a very powerful and sophisticated sect . With each of the scandals that has arisen and each of the responses I have become more angry and disillusioned with an organisation that claims to have moral authority and protecT the vulnerable when in fact it does the complete opposite. Their latest response to the mother and

Paula Molloy
20th March 2018
Reason Female atheist with moral objection to system of abuse and control perpetuated by Catholic Church and other organised religions

Paula Reynolds
6th March 2017
Reason Spiritual beliefs no longer religious

Paula Walshe
9th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist and have no belief in any god or any church

Pauline Doyle
16th August 2015
Reason I’m done with it…no more.

Pauline Doyle
2nd October 2017
Reason I\\\’m done!

Pauline Scanlon
10th October 2015
Reason Absolute outrage and disgust

Pauric Havlin
5th November 2022
Reason Because my values of compassion, understanding and love are at odds with the Church. As an LGBTQ+ person I am neither supported, loved or appreciated by the Catholic Church. I believe that the teachings of Christ are not upheld by the Church.

Pearl McGrattan
6th October 2021
Reason Athiest

Pearse O’Brien
16th August 2015
Reason Religion is a tool of fear and control used to turn people against each other for profit. Its a business. With a CEO, managers and staff. If there was a man named Jesus and he was alive today, he would see little about the catholic church that resembled his ideals. He would cast them out as we should.

16th August 2015
Reason I could not give consent when I was a child to register as a catholic, I am an adult now and an atheist. I object to the church using my name to bolster it’s numbers to gain public funds.

Pete Brady
9th August 2015

23rd April 2017
Reason I don’t believe in any gods.

Peter Browne
10th October 2015
Reason The doctrine is nonsense

Peter Burns
1st September 2018
Reason Ashamed to be associated with such a hypocritical and corrupt institution.

Peter Comiskey
19th March 2017
Reason No Belief

peter dwyer
22nd March 2019
Reason Abuse

Peter Ferguson
15th August 2015
Reason No longer Catholic

Peter Fitzgerald
19th March 2017
Reason There are many reasons for my symbolic defection. I am an atheist and have been for several years. Unfortunately, I failed to officially defect before Canon Law was amended to prevent me from doing so. I have committed sins resulting in automatic excommunication (according to CIC 1983). I have notified my Parish Priest of these sins but received no reponse. I want out of this sick, evil, hypocritical and irrational religious cult.

Peter Foster
8th February 2021
Reason Way my mother was treated

Peter Glover
19th May 2018
Reason Atheist

Peter Kelly
10th June 2016
Reason I am an atheist and want no part in organised religion

Peter Maher
29th August 2015
Reason Total disgust for Christianity and its teachings.

Peter McCrorey
21st November 2022
Reason I am a committed athiest

Peter McKenna
9th July 2018
Reason Never believed

Peter Murphy
15th April 2019
Reason I don’t align with Catholic church dogma and restrictions of human right particularly those of women and LGBTQ+

Peter O brien
9th August 2015
Reason Non believer

Peter O’Keeffe
19th August 2015
Reason No longer believe in the Catholic or any other religious doctrine or the existence of a deity.

Peter Prunty
5th March 2017
Reason Non belief. Churches treatment of women, children and gays.

Peter Slattery
12th August 2015
Reason I no longer identify with the Catholic Church and any of it’s teachings.

Peyton Thomas
25th March 2019

26th August 2016
Reason non belief in god and all religions

Philip Callaghan
28th January 2017
Reason Atheist

Philip Campion
10th December 2016
Reason Lack of belief, act of freedom of spirit

Philip Rafferty
12th August 2017
Reason I am an atheist.

Philip Whelan
10th December 2016
Reason It is an out of touch institution which does not match my beliefs

Phoebe Morrissey
4th March 2016
Reason I was born into a religion that I do not believe in.

Phyllis Murphy
7th March 2017
Reason Catholicism is a business, a money gatherer, a safe haven for abusers, excusing paedophilia and a home for cruel and inhuman individuals. Putting the organisation before the rights and care of people.

Pierce Hannick
26th August 2018
Reason Poisonous Cult

Pol O’Maoleoin
30th May 2018
Reason I am atheist. I want nothing to do with the church in any way shape or form

Pyers Walsh
14th January 2021
Reason I have been trying to find a way to leave this organisation for many years and simply hit roadblocks at every turn. I never consented to join and as an informed adult, wish to leave.

Quinn de Barra
24th October 2017
Reason I never wanted to be a member of the child molester club. I despise the Catholic church, I am not a Catholic, I am not a Christian, I was baptised without my consent and forced into Catholic rituals I did not understand as a child. I reject the church and it’s Jesus Christ. I am not a Catholic. I am not a Catholic. I am not a Catholic.

R J Butler-Davis
10th August 2015
Reason unprintable

R Kelly
10th December 2016
Reason /

Rachael Miller
29th December 2018
Reason Don’t want to be associated with the Catholic Church whatsoever. Not a fan.

Rachel Carton
14th August 2015
Reason Baptised in order to gain education

Rachel Crossan
22nd August 2016
Reason Atheist

Rachel Deckard
9th August 2015
Reason I do not support the Catholic Church

Rachel Dempsey
12th December 2018
Reason Clerical abuse in 1999

Rachel Feury
11th March 2017
Reason I do not subscribe to the doctrine of the Catholic Church and resent being indoctrinated in to it against my will as a child. I would have formally defected years ago if the \”loophole\” were not closed by the Catholic Church.

Rachel Fitzmaurice
9th March 2017
Reason Do not agree with it’s practices

Rachel Grimes
4th June 2021
Reason Having married originally in a registry office due to my husband being an atheist, I was told the death of my twin daughters at 28 weeks was entirely my fault because I wasn’t married in a Catholic Church. This was said to me during confession at the Vatican in 2006.

Rachel Martin
9th August 2015
Reason Intelligence and logic. Lack of belief of a man sitting in the sky.

Rachel Redmond
20th May 2016
Reason Dont believe in it

Rachel Walsh
9th September 2018
Reason Too many reasons. The church will never respect women or the rights of women or children.

Ray Gallagher
16th August 2015
Reason I left childish fairytales and imaginary friends behind a long time ago…

Ray Ruddell
2nd September 2015
Reason I did not choose to be Catholic

Ray Saunders
24th October 2017
Reason All religion is bollocks

Raymond Mc Creesh
21st June 2018
Reason The church lacks humanity, diginity and refuses to admit it’s crimes. It’s behaviour goes in total opposition to that of Christ and I will have nothing to do with it. I am no longer Catholic whether you choose to recognise this or not.

Rebecca Flynn
18th August 2015
Reason I have no religious belief and no longer wish to be counted as a member of a church and ideology which I completely disagree with.

Rebecca Kearney O’Neill
26th May 2018
Reason No longer believe or agree with the Catholic church

Rebecca Mulligan
12th August 2015
Reason I don’t believe in a God.

Rebecca O’Regan
5th August 2018
Reason Non believer

24th August 2020
Reason I have never believed or felt comfortable with the teachings of the Catholic Church

Regina Devenney
26th April 2016
Reason I do not hold or practice any catholic beliefs

Regina Finn
10th March 2018
Reason I am an atheist. I do not support the beliefs, teachings or actions of the Catholic Church. I would like to disassociate myself from the religion chosen for me by my parents when I was an infant.

Regina Lynch
10th June 2017
Reason Atheist

Rena Mc Kay
6th March 2017
Reason Atheism

Rena Mc Kay
11th July 2020
Reason Atheist

Rena McKay
9th August 2015
Reason Atheist

Renee O Connell
12th August 2019
Reason Not a practicing catholic for many years and I’m appalled by the Catholic Church past history and still to date have not done enough to make up for the hurt they have caused

Rian Walker
27th February 2020
Reason Pedos and magics not real

Richard Callaghan
16th August 2015
Reason The main reason: not believing in god. other importand secondary reasons include disagreement with religious patronage of schools, indoctrination of helpless children and the percieved power of the church in modern ireland. I want to confirm that they do not speak for me.

Richard Cormican
21st August 2015
Reason Absolute dsgust at Catholic teaching and the church’s behaviour

Richard Cronin
7th April 2016
Reason Disagree with its belief in the charism of infallibility, synergistic salvation and its sacramental system.

Richard Jameson
29th May 2018
Reason Decrepit ideology, pernicious ideology

Richard Leahy
9th July 2018
Reason because I was not given a choice when I was baptised into the Catholic cult and besides I have long realised that all religion is essentially a con job perpetrated by an elite who wish to exercise power and control over the masses with belief systems that usually amount to no more than ‘do as we say or you will be punished in the next life’.

Richard Masson
23rd November 2018
Reason Telling the church that I am out outloud

Richard Moran
3rd February 2019
Reason I want nothing to do with the Catholic Church. I also hold no religious beliefs.

Richard O’Regan
16th December 2018
Reason I consider the Church to be an organized criminal racket. Allowing the Catholic Church to count me as a member has allowed them to presume to speak for me. I cannot permit that.

Richard O’Rourke
9th August 2015

Richard Quigley
28th October 2017
Reason I feel religion discriminates against minorities and gives false hope

Richard Quinn
9th July 2018
Reason Church does not reflect my beliefs

Riley Rayner
17th February 2019
Reason Priest of our parish was exposed as a pedophile. I decided to leave soon after.

Rita Wild
10th August 2015
Reason because i was babtised without my consent

Rob Flanagan
26th February 2019
Reason I’m against indoctrination

Rob Fox
18th March 2017
Reason enough is enough

Rob Moughty
26th January 2020
Reason I am Atheist. I despise this cult that has consistently covered up the abuse of children.

Rob Sutton
13th May 2018

Robert Cahill
9th August 2015
Reason athiest

Robert Caulfield
19th March 2017
Reason Never asked and now cannot believe in fairys or Gods

Robert Connon
29th September 2021
Reason Atheist

Robert Field
14th December 2019
Reason I am independent

Robert Fitzgerald
18th April 2021
Reason Never believed in a god or any gods for that matter

Robert Harris
10th August 2015
Reason I defected when I was 18, religion is man made nonsense.

Robert Keegan
16th August 2015
Reason No longer belief and do not follow church teachings

Robert Lambert
29th May 2018
Reason I’m an atheist and do not wish to be counted as a Roman Catholic.

Robert Lucas
9th August 2015
Reason Don’t believe in god, don’t want to implicitly support the church.

Robert McConkey
19th March 2017
Reason I was not given no say in joining the cult as i was a baby at the time. I tried leaving when countmeout was running but the church said at the time that they cant find my baptismal records abd wondered if i could have been adopted!

Robert McDowell
22nd July 2016
Reason No longer identify with religious faith

Robert Mcglynn
24th August 2018
Reason I nonlonger wish to associate myself to an industry of serial rapists and liars.

Robert McNamara
19th April 2017
Reason I have no need for religion in my life and I do not believe in supernatural teachings.

Robert Meaney
6th March 2019
Reason Atheist

Robert Mulhern
18th November 2016
Reason I wasn’t asked if I wanted to be baptized and figured out something was out of place when I was 12

Robert Murphy
30th January 2016
Reason I am an atheist, and I object to the Catholic Church’s influence on individuals and institutions.

Robert Nielsen
16th August 2015
Reason No longer believe in God

Robert O’Brien
16th March 2021
Reason Athiest

Robert O’Donnell
16th August 2015
Reason No longer a Beliver in God, and I’m very opposed to the Churches Principals

Robert Quigley
16th February 2019
Reason Athiest

Robert Shortt
10th September 2018
Reason I have been forced in to this evil religion

robin ayre
7th August 2017
Reason developed self awareness through science

Roisin Brennan
9th July 2017
Reason I don\’t believe in God or organised religon

Roisin Byrne (nee Kelly)
27th August 2018
Reason I did not choose to be baptised it was a choice made by parents. I have decided to live a life without religion and the church should respect my rights to do so and allow me to leave.

roisin Casey
6th March 2017
Reason becoming a muslim

Róisín Doyle-Bakare
16th August 2015
Reason I’m an atheist

Roisin Mead
27th August 2018
Reason Never believed in god and resent the catholic church for the amount of control it had over the state.

roisin o’donnell
5th June 2021
Reason i an atheist and disgusted with the catholic church for man reasons, i want no association with it.

Roisin Tuohy
7th March 2017
Reason I had no choice in this and do not consider myself a Catholic.

Roisin Venables
20th March 2017
Reason My choice.

Roland Spencer
26th May 2018
Reason Have been an atheist for many years

Ronald Fernandez
5th January 2020
Reason I don’t want to follow a God who ignores me and humiliates me. Farewell and may I find a happy life without you.

Ronan Byrne
7th January 2022
Reason I no longer consider myself Catholic or share any values with the Catholic Church

Ronan Daly
21st June 2018
Reason Atheism and dissatisfaction with the policies, teachings, politics, and historical corruption of the Catholic church.

Ronan Kenny
18th September 2016
Reason Never signed up in the first place.

Ronan Kernan
18th April 2016
Reason THe Catholic Church is outdated, unnecessary and not a force for good. It has held Ireland back for centuries. I was never given a choice to join in the first place.

Ronan Lambe
9th March 2018
Reason Became an atheist at 14. Recognised the nonsense that is religion. A quaint idea that gave a sense of belonging to simpler people in simpler times. Now an obstacle to progress in the developing world.

ronan watkins
29th April 2018
Reason Did not decide to join. Have no desire to continue my membership. Disagree with many church teachings etc etc…

Rory Cheevers
1st January 2017
Reason I never believed in God nor any God for that matter

Rory O Sullivan
16th August 2015
Reason I am not superstitious

rory o’dwyer
17th December 2017
Reason non believer, changed religion

Rose anne Mccrum
14th January 2021
Reason I will not be a member of an inhuman and misogynistic cult

rose mccrum
31st May 2018
Reason i repealed the 8th ammendment. i will not support paedophilia

Rose McMahon
10th January 2019
Reason Hearing all the abuse that went on

rosemary kearney
27th August 2018
Reason Abuse

Rosemary Kearney
6th August 2023
Reason I don’t believe in the institution, the terrible abuses it’s perpetrated, the riches it pillaged from so many communities, it’s position in women and th le LGBTQ+ community.

Roslyn Welch
24th June 2018
Reason I no longer support the catholic church

Ross Fitzgerald
10th August 2015
Reason No longer a Catholic and do not agree with it’s teachings

roswitha molloy
11th March 2017
Reason too many

Rowan Bines
16th May 2022
Reason The hurt and pain inflicted onto women of my own family , the pain and hurt felt by so many Irish people. The heartless crimes inflicted on innocent people all in the name of God. The use and exploitation of God to use people and manipulate their lives into a storm of guilt, shame and hurt. My grandmother was made now over an alter and beg for forgiveness for having sex after birthing her seven children. My great aunt was put in a laundry. The Catholic Church does nothing but inflict evil, they taint the name of God. I believe in God, I love my God but the Catholic Church does not enforce the true message of spirituality, hope and love that God wishes us too. It is a corrupt, outdated, conservative, disgusting institution that should be separated from the state of Ireland. The women of Ireland will NEVER forget the pain the Catholic Church has inflicted unto us. EVER

Roy Campbell
27th August 2018
Reason No belief in any god since an early age. Studied several of the major religions over my 70 years and found them all lacking in substance

Roy O Brien
22nd September 2017
Reason I’m areligious, whilst I see a lot of comfort and solace for people especially in desperate times it’s just not for me plus I dislike when religious people pompously say I’ll “regret it when blah, blah, blah” after I’ve been nothing but polite to them. Best of luck to the religious people whatever they like to fantasise about, it’s just not for me.

Ruairí Newman
9th August 2015
Reason Church support for religious discrimination against children in the state-sponsored education system.

ruairi shelley
11th March 2017
Reason i need to

Ruby McCabe
4th April 2022
Reason I do not agree with the ethos of this religion especially in Ireland with all the stories of the nuns and the Magdalene Laundries and the church does absolutely nothing about it (not surprisingly).Also, I absolutely hate the pressure of being Catholic in school in this day and age.

Ruth Casey
10th September 2018
Reason It was fun while it lasted..

Ruth Hayes
17th June 2018
Reason No longer believe, continuously let down

Ruth Helen Griffin
29th March 2020
Reason I no longer give consent to the Catholic Church to include me – Ruth Helen Griffin- in any capacity in their institution. I was baptised as an infant and was therefore unable to give my fully informed consent. As a sovereign adult now, I consciously choose to wholly retract and revoke any implied consent and inclusion in any and every capacity to being part of the Catholic Church. This is to include their spiritual, religious, commercial, financial, philosophical or legal entities or activities. I wholly remove all my personal aspects and information from their influence and control. I hereby announce every part of my spirituality and being to be wholly free from the Catholic Church’s influence. I announce my full sovereignty. I want to note my dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church and their inability to give members an option to permanently remove themselves from their records. I hereby give notice that I do not consent to any of my personal details to be shared by the Catholic Church or any affiliated parties. I want it noted that the recorded depraved abuse of innocents, children and the continued subjugation of women that has been/is perpetuated by the Catholic Church is a vile distortion of natural law and I will not be associated with such repulsive acts, in any capacity. Ruth Griffin

Ruth Holmes
30th May 2018
Reason Not a believer. Not comfortable being associated with the church that covered up pedophiles rapists and people that sold babies to the highest bidder/burried them in septic tanks. For Ann Lovett and the women of Ireland.

Ruth Keating
27th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in god, I never chose to be indoctrinated into this destructive church. The priests, nuns, bishops and all clergy should be ashamed of their lives. Ireland will overcome the many abuses and rise up. Catholic Ireland is dead.

Ruth Ruane
25th August 2018
Reason I never believed in the Catholic Churches teaching but the suffering they have caused and the hurt means I want to disassociate myself from the church completely

Ruth Whelan
11th March 2017
Reason This hate fuelled, bigoted, Inhumane excuse of a church does not represent me

Ruth Winston
1st February 2016
Reason I’m an atheist

Ryan Kyle
29th May 2018
Reason I never asked to be part of this Church, and they have removed any official routes to leaving.

Ryan Martin
15th July 2020
Reason Where do I start?

Ryann Contreras
4th September 2016
Reason Gnosis

Sabina Brennan
9th August 2015
Reason I am not a catholic I had no choice in the matter. I would defect if I could but the church prohibits that which I believe is an infringement of my rights.

sabra ben arfa/blancquaert
15th July 2018
Reason corrution argent sale position sans aucune philosophie sur l’avortement la contraception le célibat aucun maintien de l’enseignement de jésus…..

Sabrina Devine
26th August 2018
Reason I haven’t been a catholic in over 20 years. I am a proud pagan. Let me Leave

sabrina Lyons
28th May 2018
Reason I no longer believe in or follow the teachings of the Catholic church

Sabrina Mosaheb
17th September 2020
Reason I choose to consciously claim my Sovereign right to fully unsubscribe myself on a physical, emotional and spiritual level from all religiously created doctrine. I am a divine being and I re-claim my sovereignty in this and every now moment according to natural law. And so it is.

Sadhbh Burke
7th March 2017
Reason Tuam

Sam Holt
21st September 2017
Reason I am not a Theist.

Samantha Flynn
25th January 2019
Reason Don’t want to be associated with a religion that is lies and covers up for rapists

Samantha Smallhorne
19th May 2017
Reason Atheist. No longer want to be a part of a system of religious hypocrisy based on uber superstition

Sampaguita Banta
2nd April 2019
Reason I’m an atheist now

Samuel Nesbitt
9th August 2015
Reason Atheist

Samuel Starr
20th March 2017
Reason Became an atheist

Sandra Carroll
29th August 2018
Reason I no longer agree with church teaching The abuse cover ups basically I dont want anything to do with an organisation that I believe is evil

Sandra Nicholson
27th February 2019
Reason I don’t believe that created stories and teaching based on fear is ok to get people to be good. I don’t like the organization that is the Catholic Church, it’s structures, it’s teachings.

Sanja Colic
28th May 2023
Reason I have never wanted to take part in the Catholic Church. It was something chosen for me by my parents not by will. I’m making my own decision to remove myself

Saoirse O’Regan
10th May 2018
Reason i don’t believe in the morals of this church and i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i supported an organisation that is so unbelievably bigoted towards women and the LGBTQ community

Sara Farrell
4th April 2021
Reason Atheist

Sara Mcmanus
8th November 2018
Reason Atheism

Sara Murphy
21st August 2018
Reason I do not want to be associated with or couted as a a member of a church I do not believe or participate in. I am not catholic.

Sara O’Brien
16th August 2015

Sara Scully
17th August 2015
Reason Because I have given it some thought, and it seems to me that Religion has been made up by people. There is no evidence that a God/Gods exist.

Sarah Ann Behan
14th April 2017

Sarah Best
11th July 2020
Reason Physical Abuse

Sarah Connor
1st August 2017
Reason I was obviously too young to choose my religion.

Sarah Cormican
25th October 2015
Reason I don’t believe the church’s teaching

Sarah Corrigan
16th February 2022
Reason I do not to be a member of a religion that is so corrupt, that abuses children and women and covers it up, that sells children, that buries children’s bodies in septic tanks, that projects its criminal members, that denies women bodily autonomy, that does not recognize same-sex marriage.

Sarah Cullen
14th June 2018
Reason I cannot put my name to an organisation that systematically raped children and sold babies. The church stole the lives, innocence, and identities of thousands of Irish people. Enough is enough. Let me leave.

Sarah Dempsey
2nd November 2022
Reason Abuse of children and women. I am also a lesbian.

Sarah Feehely
2nd January 2017
Reason Not a catholic

Sarah Fitzgerald
5th March 2017
Reason I don’t support the catholic church beliefs.

Sarah FitzGibbon
8th March 2018
Reason My Mother was the child of a mixed marriage and an atheist so we were given the option not to be confirmed. I choose not to get confirmed but I was Baptisted and made my Communion but I do not want to have any connections to the Empire of Misogyny

Sarah Gannon
20th November 2022
Reason I never would have joined if I’d had the choice as a child. I don’t see the need for religion in our lives and see it as causing a divided society.

Sarah Gardiner
15th December 2019
Reason I no longer practice and want to leave the church

Sarah Griffin
23rd March 2022
Reason Non belief, baptised without consent

Sarah Hamilton
13th January 2021
Reason I do not want to be associated with the church. I am in no means a Catholic, I identify as an Athiest. However, the trauma and abuse that the church has tried to hide over decades has made me loathe the institution in its entirety. Church and State should not be in union. No woman or child should have died at this hands of this vile institute.

Sarah Hogan
3rd November 2022
Reason Non-believer, prompted by recent Kerry priest’s vitriolic mass.

Sarah Jane Murphy
11th December 2020
Reason I have never associated myself with the church, I’ve only finally decided to do this now because I’ve grown up and want to move on. I don’t want to disrespect my parents wishes in wanting to raise me with their religion, but I cannot respect a church that will not respect me as a woman in 2020.

sarah keegan
12th March 2016
Reason I have no interest in being a member

sarah kennedy
27th August 2018
Reason I don’t believe in God and want absolutely nothing to do with the church

Sarah Lynch
19th August 2016

Sarah Manning
21st April 2020
Reason For past, present & future women

Sarah marie Slattery
31st August 2015
Reason I don\’t believe in god

Sarah McGrath
19th January 2017
Reason Non-believer, and I am repulsed by the catholic church, its history and its teachings

Sarah Mullane
3rd June 2016
Reason I don’t believe and don’t believe that I should be counted as such.

Sarah Murphy
12th March 2017
Reason The Catholic Church does not represent my own spiritual beliefs. I am spiritual in my own personal way, but I am not religious. I do not believe in a Catholic afterlife, I believe in good energy and good will. The Catholic Church own so much of my Country, yet very few people I know actually follow the teachings of the bible. They go to mass when someone has died, when someone is married or a baby is born – maybe on Christmas Eve out of tradition rather than love for Jesus Christ. I do not want to be associated with this Church; A church that has opposed homosexuality and contraception, yet has covered up priest molestation of young boys and the deaths of abused mothers and their babies. I do not want my existence to be another number on their records to use as proof of their power and influence. Not me. I want out.

Sarah Naughton
27th August 2018
Reason Atheist

Sarah O’Sullivan
21st July 2017
Reason I do not believe in God and I do not agree with the Catholic Church’s views or past and I want to distance myself from the Church entirely

Sarah Pogue
19th October 2015
Reason Since I was in my early teens, I have not believed in the existence of an all-powerful, supernatural being. Since this age, I have also been in very strong disagreement with many of the teachings of the Catholic Church, to the point that my continued membership of this organisation is in direct and frequent conflict with my own core set of beliefs, principles and morals.

Seamus Duggan
15th August 2015
Reason Do not believe. Do not wish my ‘catholicism’ to be used to justify input of Church into politics, constitution, law and education.

Seamus Gallagher
22nd March 2019
Reason Non believer

seamus mc ardle
17th May 2019
Reason sick of the one religon for the rich one for the poor.

Seamus McLoughlin
5th September 2018
Reason I’m not a Christian

Sean Branagh
29th December 2016
Reason I did not request to join in the first place. I am atheist. The organisation also disgusts me for too many reasons to list here.

Sean Burgess
19th July 2017
Reason I know better than to believe in ancient superstitions

Sean Cameron
31st October 2017
Reason I’m an atheist and an apostate.

Sean Carroll
16th August 2015
Reason As a teenager I started to think.

Sean Corcoran
23rd July 2019
Reason I was forced into this organisation that I never wanted. It is my legal right to defect from them as I never agreed to it.

Sean Fagan
12th July 2020
Reason No longer want to be a member of Catholic Chirch

Sean Foy
26th April 2019
Reason I am not a Catholic.

Sean Graham
10th October 2015
Reason Don’t believe in any organised religion.

Sean Hennessy
8th March 2020

Sean Hunter
17th February 2017
Reason Do not believe in God.

Seán Kimmage
27th August 2018
Reason Non consensual, suppressive institution

Sean Lawler
3rd March 2017
Reason Ashamed to be catholic

sean long
27th August 2018
Reason because i hate the catholic church and all it stands for

Seán Lynch
16th August 2015
Reason I’m not a Catholic or a Christian

Sean Murray
9th August 2015
Reason I never agreed to be baptised

Seán Neville
25th November 2020
Reason I have never subscribed to any of the ludicrous teachings in Christianity.

Sean O Farrell
13th January 2021
Reason Evil organisation and I’m atheist

Seán Ó Gallchobhair
25th June 2017
Reason Not wanting to be part of a cult.

Sean O sullivan
10th August 2015
Reason I have been an atheist since 7 years old but now i want to be totally separated from the catholic church and want my name taken off vaticans register.

Sean Ronayne
16th August 2015
Reason Do not and never have believed or voluntarily subscribed to any of the shit the church preach or stand for. Please remove me from all official Church records.

Sean Smith
31st August 2015
Reason Non-belief

Seán Smith
23rd March 2018
Reason The Roman Catholic church, in my opinion is one of the most evil corporations in the world. It\’s protection and excusing of rapists, sadists, and paedophiles under it\’s employment is disgusting and I do not wish to be affiliated with such an organisation.

Sean White
26th April 2021
Reason I’m reasonably intelligent

Seana Hampstead
14th January 2016
Reason I’m an atheist.

Sebastian O’Reilly
22nd December 2020
Reason I have been brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness and am getting ready for baptism.

Selene McNamara
7th August 2023
Reason Not my choice, Child Abuse, I’ll treatment of women

Seón Ruiz
7th November 2022
Reason I don’t believe in god

Shane Butler
10th August 2015
Reason Do not believe in the Catholic church and don’t believe human beings should be associated with any orhanisati

Shane Califf
1st January 2016
Reason I’m tired of seeing this nonsense taught in schools along with Science, Geography, French etc. as if it were a subject to be learned. These people pick some nice stories from the bible and ignore the mass murder & talking snakes of the Old Testemant. In my lifetime I hopeto see them reduced to what they should be; a greedy lunatic fringe cult. Hopefully also bankrupt after they’ve finished paying compensation to those in their care who were raped & abused

Shane Coppinger
9th August 2015
Reason I don’t believe in the Catholic God or any other God.

Shane Denison
19th January 2022
Reason I disapprove of Catholic Church and am disappointed that I was baptized as a baby. I disagree with much of what it teaches; the pain it’s spread around the world; and how it suppresses personal freedom and individuality. I do not require guidance from such a ridiculous ideology and wish to be count among those opposed to the Catholic Church and the general idea of Christianity. Religion is unnecessary and I’ve seen it damage many people, communities, and entire cultures. Religion is road spike to human success.

Shane Jackson
11th October 2018
Reason I do not believe in God, and I do not wish to passively be part of an organisation that knowingly facilitated decades of institutional abuse

Shane Lenihan
26th August 2015
Reason do not want to be considered a Catholic

Shane McDonnell
4th March 2022
Reason No faith and a general disgust at the actions of the church as a whole

Shane Melly
13th June 2018
Reason I’m an Atheist.

Shane Mulhall
24th December 2016
Reason Non believer

Shane Mythen
10th August 2015
Reason Religon is a mental disorder

shane phelan
26th January 2017
Reason church scandals and current church direction and policies.

shane somers
20th April 2016
Reason do not belief in this faith

Shannan McInerney
9th March 2017

Shannon B
12th April 2019
Reason There are many reasons… although they claim to know GOD and speak HIS name from their lips in their hearts they are far from HIM! They serve themselves and they serve money. Money buys people special privileges. They are abusive in more ways then one! They’re treacherous ways have turned people from JESUS. They are evil.

Shannon Brown
13th April 2017
Reason I was forced into my confirmation by my parents as a non-believing Catholic. Nothing against Catholicism, I just don’t feel right being a part of a faith that I have absolutely no belief in.

Shannon Cronin
15th January 2021
Reason Non believer in the religion and against the injustices caused by the religion in Ireland

Shannon Cronin
11th July 2024
Reason Non believer, against the cruel abuse at the hands of the church

Shannon Louise O Carroll
20th November 2023
Reason No belief in the religion

Shannon O’Carroll
22nd October 2021
Reason Joined the satanic temple

shannon ocarroll
8th November 2017

Sharon Baird
28th August 2018
Reason I do not believe in the Catholic Church and it\’s teachings.

Sharon Cribbin
15th August 2018
Reason Atheism

Sharon Delaney
28th May 2018
Reason Have never been a practicing Catholic

Sharon Heron
10th April 2023
Reason I reject the teachings of the Catholic Church which is a for profit business that specialises in shame. Despite some kind and well meaning individuals, the church itself is a means to control, to demean women and to sow prejudice and judgement in the minds of its followers. For too long Irish people have been complicit in allowing the church power over our lives. I wholeheartedly and completely reject the power of the church and the doctrines written by men. I am ashamed to ever have engaged with the structure that is the church.

Sharon Nolan
16th August 2015
Reason Have not been a practising Catholic for nearly 10 years, do not believe or want to be associated with the bigoted teachings of the Catholic Church

Shaun McGranaghan
26th September 2016
Reason atheist

Shauna C
6th July 2021
Reason I wish to defect because I hate everything this organisation stands for. I was baptised as a child and was forced to mass for many years but their treatment of women, of children, of the LGBT+ community, of the most vulnerable in society is an abhorrent disgrace and I no longer wish to be associated with the Catholic Church in any way.

Shauna Hunt
19th January 2021
Reason Everything that has come to light about those poor young women and their babies years ago. The suffering at the hands of the Catholic Church. The inhumanity by those nuns who I can only describe as pure evil. I have no words , words are not enough. I found myself pregnant last year at 25, I now have a beautiful healthy 9 month old son who is my whole life , my reason for living. I am also a single mother. The only thing different me and those women have is time and chance that myself and my son were not born a few years back. My son was christened in August and I would like to have him removed from the Catholic Church too.

Shayna Hunt
19th August 2023
Reason I had no voice at 6 months old when I was baptised. I’ve decided as an adult that I want absolutely no connection with the deranged cult that is the Catholic Church.

Sheena O’Byrne
16th August 2015
Reason too many to mention

Sheila Daly
16th August 2015
Reason I was given no choice but forced to join this evil cult. I have never believed, even when they forced me to make my communion. I knew it wasn’t right then, even without the knowledge I have now. I could write a book about how evil the church is but everyone already knows this. I wish I and everyone have the opportunity someday to deflect in totality from the church.

8th May 2015

Shona Weymes
10th March 2017
Reason I don’t believe in God or organised religion

Sian O’Carroll
10th August 2015
Reason Do not believe.

Simon Meaney
19th August 2015
Reason I believe all religions are man made and don’t want to be signed up to any of them

Simon Pettitt
9th August 2022
Reason Moral

Sinead Brady
9th August 2015
Reason Atheist

sinéad collins
9th August 2015
Reason I’m an atheist

Sinéad Crowe
21st March 2018
Reason I do not believe in worshipping a god and recent child abuse scandals have led me to make my decision to separate myself from this evil power.

Sinead Dinneen
19th March 2017
Reason I don’t have a belief system , I don’t want a religious association for me of my family . I want to be free of any religious associations

Sinead Fraser
15th March 2017
Reason Abuse of mothers and babies

13th September 2018
Reason Non religious

Sinead O brien
23rd November 2019
Reason I want no pay off a church that systematically and regularly tries to cover up abuse. The Catholic Church treatment of women is less than we deserve. As an organisation they need to be held to account for their crimes against humanity. Their greed and unwillingness to change. Even they fact that they turn a blind eye to ‘defectors’ requests to be discounted. The Catholic Church needs to grown up, move with the times and accept they are no longer the power house they once were. I will not be considered a part of this organisation. ered

Sinead O Connor
17th March 2021
Reason Non believer

Sinead O’Connor
28th May 2018
Reason I do not believe any teaching of the Catholic Church

Sinéad Oman
28th October 2019
Reason I don’t believe in the church, God is not the church, God is Love and acceptance, God does not judge and does not discriminate , God encourages expression and wildness without limitation

sioban fawl
11th March 2017
Reason the catholic church is corrupt

Siobhan Byrne
6th June 2017
Reason My beliefs are not those of the Catholic Church.

Siobhan Connery
28th September 2023
Reason Too many to say…

Siobhan Ellen Fogarty
28th January 2018
Reason I asked questions about celibacy. Admittedly my tone was a tad confrontational when I asked, did it make the priest an approacable person for spiritual counsel? Or did it distance him from his community? I found a week later this conversation was repeated to my own parish priest who read me off the alter at my mothers Memorial mass. Narcsissitic / ego manic. I only asked a question and tried to engage in a conversation which I had thought out in the open in today\’s society. Admittedly celibacy is a personnel choice and maybe the priest decision was coming under scutinay in the conversation, but no compassion the next week from the alter. Of all the times to make a repostition. I\’m done with Catholic Church. I know I was brought to Baptism out of love from my parents. I have been shown no love or compassion from the church it\’s self.

Siobhan Mc Kenna
9th August 2015
Reason I don’t share any beliefs with the CC. I want to see Ireland move on with separation of church and state

Siobhan Molloy
25th April 2016
Reason Not a Catholic

Siobhan O’ Sullivan
9th January 2018
Reason General disgust with the treatment of people by the Catholic Church

Siobhan O’Brien
10th March 2021
Reason Non practising and opposed to the teachings and behaviour of the Catholic Church in Ireland.

siobhan venables
27th August 2018
Reason I had submitted my request during Count Me Out but you changed the game. I am not a Catholic. I do not believe in your God or your Church or YOU

Siobhan Walsh
6th November 2018
Reason Don’t believe in God

Siofra Coffey
1st June 2018
Reason I hate the catholic church

Siofra O’Donovan
4th January 2023
Reason Withdrawal of records with immediate effect

Site Default
21st November 2015
Reason not a Believer

Slaney Coz
31st August 2020
Reason I do not want to belong to a cult that has caused and continues to cause so much hurt and pain to humans around the world

Sonia Maria Brooks
25th April 2016
Reason I do not believe any of the fairy tales and nonsense that I was told to follow!

Sonya Mulligan
10th August 2015
Reason I never had a believe in the teachings of the Catholic church

Sophie Catherine Prendergast
14th April 2016
Reason Religion has no meaning to me

Sophie Hackett
11th March 2017
Reason Never believed, never respected, never will

Sophie Lieghio
28th May 2018
Reason Over the past few years, I’ve become solid in my belief that I am an atheist and wish to no longer be regarded as a Catholic.

Sophie Martin
3rd September 2019
Reason I have never aligned myself with the Catholic Church and their teachings or beliefs. I was baptised when I was seven years old in order to make my Holy Communion. This was my parents decision not mine. I am not Catholic.

Sophie O’Hara
27th December 2020
Reason It was done when I had no clue about anything

Sorcha Knifton-Russell
24th April 2017
Reason Just done believe anymore.

Stacey Coonan
9th April 2017
Reason The choice of my religion was not that of my own. It was that of my parents. I grew up in and have respect for those in my local catholic church however it does not reflect my true beliefs. After much research and reading of the bible I believe it to be a judgemental, harsh and contradictory religion and I chose not to be a part of it myself. I believe religion should be an adults choice not chosen by their parents at birth.

Stacie Byrne
14th May 2018
Reason Non beliver

Stacy Mangan
9th March 2017
Reason I no longer wish to have any affiliation with the Catholic Church

Stacy O’Gorman
29th May 2018
Reason It wasn’t my choice to become a Catholic. It shouldn’t be allowed to enter someone into something as an infant and then not let them have any option to leave it as an adult. I’ve wanted to leave the church for years.

Stephan Breen
19th April 2016
Reason Wish to enter Valhalla

Stephan O’Brien
14th June 2018
Reason Atheist

Stephanie Duffy
14th January 2021
Reason Athiest and I have no desire to be associated with a corrupt, immoral, divisive organisation that is responsible for such heinous crimes against humanity.

Stephanie Edwards
11th May 2019
Reason Non belief and hypocrisy

Stephanie Emmett
11th February 2016
Reason Do not believe in God. Refuse to be preached to and do not want to be part of an organisation that covers up child abuse and protects the scum that do this. Disgrace.

stephanie greene
13th January 2021
Reason years of abuse on vulnerable people by the hands of the catholic church

Stephen Allen
20th April 2020

Stephen Brack
24th September 2019
Reason No longer believe

Stephen Burke
10th August 2015
Reason Non believer

Stephen Caffrey
6th March 2017
Reason I do not believe in god

Stephen Callaghan
9th March 2018
Reason I never believed.

Stephen Cheung
29th January 2019
Reason I do not practice any religion

Stephen Fox
24th November 2020
Reason I am an Atheist, have been since I was 12 years old. I haven’t had catholic box on a census checked since I was 18. I believe it is an abuse of my name and national status, and a gross infringement on my human human rights that I cannot officially leave an organization that I was indoctrinated into. That my parents were indoctrinated into and who were pressured to indoctrinate me into. I officially do not give the Church my permission to use my name and citizenship as a percentage or statistic to secure or justify any financial support, tax cuts or funding from the Irish Government.

Stephen Gamble
16th August 2015
Reason Don’t believe. Man of science and reason.

Stephen Grant
19th March 2017

Stephen Griffin
9th August 2015
Reason non belief

Stephen Guinane
9th March 2017
Reason Common sense that science is correct regarding our creation, bigotry is a strong theme in the church & I do not agree anyone should be persecuted against, hypocrisy of the church & their earnings vs unrealised vows of poverty, Tuam babies & the Magdalene laundries, child abuse scandals, the church seems to have weight in governmental proceedings & this needs to change. Generally growing up in Ireland is enough to turn anyone away from the church and their misteachings.

stephen hanrahan
26th February 2018
Reason i’m and old gay witch , and theres a lot of anti gay talks from men in dresses holding gold crosses while children starve , discourage the use of contraceptives in countries where aids runs rampant and so many other policies i find abborant

Stephen Hayden
10th February 2020
Reason Don’t believe in God and never believed that the church should have a say in my life and the way I live it.

Stephen Kearns
6th April 2021
Reason It isn’t real.

Stephen Lynch
17th September 2021
Reason I do not believe or want anything to do with the Church. It is a dead philosophy and the sooner we get rid of all religions, the better mankind will be better for it.

stephen McDowell
10th August 2015
Reason does not allign with my beliefs

Stephen Murphy
25th January 2021
Reason Forced into it against my will.

Stephen O’Nolan
17th August 2015
Reason It’s all a laughable crock of shit

Stephen O\\\’Sullivan
19th January 2018
Reason Disbelief

Stephen Waters
20th April 2017
Reason Non believer

Stephen Whelan
15th May 2018
Reason I do not consider myself a Catholic. I do not believe in supernatural powers or imaginary friends.

Steve Flynn
25th September 2016
Reason Non religious

Steve Jennings
30th May 2018
Reason I honestly believe the church has done more bad than good, and I’ve never believed in any god.

Steve stegbauer
29th January 2021
Reason molested by uncle who was using bible verses to justify himself. love is love and women are equal I believe that sort of stuff.

Steve White
14th August 2015

Steven Holden
4th March 2023
Reason No belief

Steven McCarthy
11th August 2015
Reason I was inducted in this church without my consent or knowledge as a child. I have never, since old enough to understand what the church stands for, considered myself a part of it. Please delete me from your membership books.

Stewart Flood
14th May 2018
Reason I have questioned church teachings as soon as I could form sentences and I have been atheist for as long.

sue campbell
14th October 2020
Reason I strongly disagree with the ethos, management and morals of the Catholic Church. I also do not believe in God.

Sue Melia
16th May 2021
Reason I no longer believe

Susan Benson
22nd May 2017
Reason Allowance and cover ups by the Church of abuse against women and children

susan broe
5th March 2017
Reason Catholic church is an evil cult with no place in a civilized tolerant society.

Susan Cosgrove
27th August 2018
Reason No longer believe

Susan Dolan
16th March 2016
Reason I strongly disagree with a number of the Church’s beliefs and do not wish to remain a member.

Susan Duff
10th March 2018
Reason I do not trust or believe in the Catholic church

Susan Healy
9th August 2015
Reason No longer a, I am an atheist

Susan Heavey
14th March 2018
Reason I’m an atheist

Susan Looby
3rd April 2018
Reason Non believer

Susan Maher
16th December 2018
Reason I do not wish to be part of this hypocritical institution which protects paedophiles and rate women as 2nd class citizens. I believe the Catholic Church to be a cult.

Susan O’Sullivan
10th August 2015
Reason Not a believer

Susan OBrien
18th October 2020
Reason Theological noncognitivist

Susanna Galligan
10th November 2021
Reason I think they are dispicable

Suzanne Doyle
4th July 2019
Reason I am not Catholic. I not believe in Catholic church or their manipulative, controlling, selfish, abusive ways and thier complete lack of accountablilty or responsbility for their employees. If there was a GOD they wouldn\’t endorse them.

Suzanne Kilgannon
16th August 2015
Reason I don\’t believe in the catholic church or religion on a whole. I was baptized shortly after birth and had to follow the church during my school years but have not since then. I am not a catholic I am a human without religion.

suzanne o’Byrne
23rd August 2015
Reason I am not Catholic

Sylvia Adler
1st June 2017
Reason The Catholic Church goes

Sylvia Gipe
1st September 2018
Reason I wish to never be associated with a corrupt hierarchy that systematically protects pedophiles for their own monetary gain.

Sylvia Power
30th August 2019
Reason Look at what the Catholic Church has done to Ireland?

Tadhg Devlin
9th August 2015

Tadhg McCann
24th September 2018
Reason Tuam

Tadhg O Connor
24th October 2017
Reason I don’t believe in God/Gods

Tammy Quane
6th July 2021
Reason I’m not catholic

tanya ellen tiernan
8th March 2016
Reason Never asked to be a part of any religion, I do not want to be branded a catholic.

Tanya Mackey
6th March 2017
Reason I believe religion is nothing more than a cult

Tara Caldwell
17th February 2020
Reason No religion, do not practice

Tara Carroll
7th March 2017
Reason I do not wish to remain part of an organisation which conflicts wholly with my beliefs as a human being.

Tara Cooke
26th August 2021
Reason No longer believe in any religion – I am an Atheist.

Tara Lawlor
10th March 2017
Reason I no longer wish to be affiliated to RCC. I wish no longer to be tarnished by the hypocrisy, cruelty, murders and lack of respect for the innocent victims of their crimes.

Tara McGowan
7th March 2017
Reason I am agnostic, I do not believe in the Catholic Church and do not wish to be forced to remain as a part of that community

Tara O\’Brien
25th October 2017
Reason Im not religious.

Ted Elston
11th March 2017
Reason I see through the facade.

Teresa Hudson
8th August 2018
Reason The scandalous and hypocritical nature of the church.

Teresa Kiritsy
2nd May 2019
Reason There Roman Catholic deceit to all the people who trusted it’s guidance and leadership.

teresa Toolan
23rd December 2017
Reason I never gave my consent.

Terry Davis
2nd October 2015
Reason Not religous

testing this testing this
25th July 2022

Theresa Johnstone
29th August 2018
Reason Totally ashamed to be catholic

Theresa Kelly
28th June 2017
Reason I’m an athiest. Also the cover up and enabling of abuse and torture and the spread of misinformation in regards to the aids crisis has demonstrated it is repeatedly been a force for harm in the world. The lack of respect for women’s rights and lgbtq people demonstrates this further.

Theresa Rice
20th January 2019
Reason I denounce all the church stands for and do not believe in a god

Thomas Bryan Murphy
27th May 2018
Reason It never made sense from the age of 11 onwards.

Thomas Coffey
5th July 2018
Reason Born into this religion and do not believe

thomas duncan
8th October 2015
Reason non god believer

Thomas Flanagan
28th May 2018
Reason I disagree entirely with how the Roman Catholic Church fills our children with fear, from baptism tells them they are not good enough and will constantly throughout our lives teach us to berate ourselves and others. As a whole is promotes segregation and breeds narcissism. This is my opinion of the catholic church in Ireland Continue Reading

Thomas Foley
11th April 2016
Reason Converted to Atheism

Thomas Gerard Kehoe
17th June 2018
Reason Atheist

Thomas Johnston
25th May 2019
Reason Common Sense

Thomas Kearney
6th March 2016
Reason I’ll mange my own spirit thank you 🙂

Thomas Mc Manus
21st May 2018
Reason No longer believe in Religoin

Thomas McMorrow
11th August 2015
Reason Atheist

Thomas Millett
7th August 2016
Reason religion is medevil nonsense

thomas o’sullivan
24th February 2023
Reason atheism

Thomas O’Toole
16th January 2021
Reason I do not, nor have I ever, followed the teachings and scriptures of the Catholic Church as a religion or an institution. I also practice the occult. I do not wish to be considered a member of the Catholic Church as it was never my choice to be a part of it, a decision made before I could even speak. I want no link with the Catholic Church whatsoever, and find it appalling that I can’t leave something I never wanted, and still don’t, want to be a part of. I believe the Catholic Church is hateful, and has caused countless millions of deaths, ruined countless lives. I believe the Catholic Church is hypocritical, I don’t believe in Jesus, I hate the hypocritical institute it is. I want to leave 32 years ago!

Thomas Reaney
3rd April 2022
Reason No longer believe. No desire to be a member

Thomas Wall
14th January 2021
Reason I grew up and stopped believing in fairy tales.

19th May 2015

Tia Kenna
16th January 2021
Reason If god created everything, who created god?

Tim McGrath
12th January 2019
Reason All the reasons!

Tim McKee
19th August 2015
Reason I don’t believe their nonsense. I am an atheist.

Timothy Duffy
9th August 2015
Reason I am not a catholic

Timothy Leahy
16th August 2015
Reason Religion is a waste of resources. We can do without men in holy orders telling us how we should behave and telling us how the world works. We can do without the flash/bang hocus pocus that takes place in alters around the country every Sunday. It’s the greatest hoax in the world and the sooner everyone realizes it, the better.

Timothy Vos
17th September 2017
Reason Agnostic

Tom Bradford
24th June 2019
Reason Atheist

Tom Kelly
12th September 2016
Reason No longer believe/agree with religion

Tom Mahon
23rd March 2021
Reason I reject everything they stand for.

Tom Martin
5th September 2019
Reason Made up nonsense.

Tom Walsh
16th May 2018
Reason I took time to have a look around and to evaluate what I was doing. I realised that, what with most claims either being debunked or morally, or physically impossible, that the bible was false.

Tomas Campbell
22nd October 2019
Reason Atheist

Tomas D’Arcy
26th June 2019
Reason Pagan

Tomas Gerard Forde
29th May 2018
Reason No belief in God and condemnation of Catholic Church

Tomas Lillis
26th August 2017
Reason I’ve never believe in a god or gods

Tomás Lynch
10th February 2017
Reason Learned to read and understand the nature of reality from an evidence based perspective. Exhillerated by what we know. Regard my years inside the Catholic Church as a kidnap victim might regret their years in dark malodorous captivity.

Tommy Dowling
28th January 2018
Reason I’m an atheist and even if I was religious it wouldn’t sit right with me being part of a notoriously corrupt organisation.

Tommy Fogarty
30th May 2018
Reason I was baptised as an infant without consultation. I consider myself an atheist and have no religious beliefs or affinities.

Tommy Ó Síocháin
6th June 2018
Reason I do not beleive in any Gods. I do not want to be used as a statistic to defend the Catholic Church’s position in Irish society.

Tommy O’Connor
3rd February 2021

Tony Chearnley
29th March 2020
Reason Too old to believe in fairy tales

Tony Crinion
12th January 2021
Reason Total disgust and abhorrence at what the Catholic Church has been allowed to get away with and without any culpability

Tony Fleming
9th August 2015
Reason I am an atheist. Need I say more?

Tony Fleming
9th July 2018
Reason I’m an athiest. My children are being raised athiest. I refuse to be considered a member of an organization so morally corrupt. And one other massive reason; TUAM

Tony Haddon
14th May 2018
Reason Not a believer.

Tony McGahan
29th May 2018
Reason I believe in the scientific model of the universe and in my view that belief is incompatible with the concept of a deity.

Tony Murphy
7th January 2021
Reason Because it a load of crap

Tony O’Connor
16th August 2015
Reason none belief

Tony Purcell
27th August 2018
Reason I want nothing more to do with this paedophile hiding, out of touch mens club.

Tony Spillane
13th February 2016
Reason Do not believe in Catholic teachings

Tony Walsh
11th August 2015
Reason I’m an atheist

Toraí Ruddy Hoey
10th August 2015
Reason Atheist

Tracey Malone-Robbie
27th August 2018
Reason There are no gods. The Catholic Church is a vile & disgusting company that needs to turn over ALL perpetrators to proper authorities.

Tracey Marshall
28th May 2017
Reason Non believer and want to separate state from church

Tracey Walsh
21st May 2016
Reason I no longer identify with the teachings or beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Tracy Burke
24th October 2017
Reason I haven’t believed in any of it since the age of 11 or 12. I am an atheist. Ithink religion is all fairy stories and people talking to imaginary friends.

Tracy Collins
10th August 2017
Reason Don’t believe

Trevor Brosnan
12th June 2022
Reason Non practicing homosexuality

Trevor Jackman
16th August 2015
Reason non-believer

Trevor Seery
20th August 2021
Reason My beliefs do not align with those of the catholic church

Triona Nolan
3rd February 2016
Reason Non belief

Trish Moloney
30th May 2017
Reason I was never a believer of such nonsense! #not me

Tristan Jehlar
27th January 2020
Reason Apostasy

Trudi Higginb
16th May 2018
Reason I don’t believe

trudie young
7th March 2017
Reason I’m atheist

Turlough Nevin
9th August 2015
Reason Logic & reasoning

Turul Madar
28th January 2021
Reason Soha nem hittem egyetlen vallásban sem.

Ulick O’Sullivan
19th August 2015
Reason No longer believe in any religion

Una O’Connor
27th January 2022
Reason Misoginy, corruption and abuse at the core of the institution

19th December 2020
Reason Personal

Ursula Clarke
28th May 2018
Reason Am no longer Catholic since at least 2000 (although was forced into making holy confirmation).

Utta Hogan
26th February 2021
Reason I no longer want to be part of an organisation that tells everybody to feel some form of guilt just for being human. I resent having to repent for things that I don’t even remember, never being finished with an issue, but being called a perpetual sinner.

Val Myles
29th August 2018
Reason I was forced into a cult that I never wanted apart of.

Val O’Grady
27th August 2015
Reason Catholic church is biggest curse the world has known

Valerie Kerr
25th August 2018
Reason It’s all about money and power over the people.

Valerija Gornika
17th March 2020
Reason I no longer want to identify as Catholic as I do not believe in that religion. I do not agree with the Cathplic views and morals, nor do I support it’s history.

Vanessa Sterry
15th July 2015
Reason I’ve no time for religion

Veronica Amexo
17th October 2019
Reason Child molestation survivor, gay rights ally, pro choice, pro birth control, divorce is not a sin, who are you to tell me anything if your own house is as it is?

Veronika O’Brien
8th September 2018
Reason Disgust at the whole institution, vomit inducing stories of murdered and sold children, abused women and the power, money hungry church.

Victoria Page
9th July 2018
Reason I was made part of this cruel, unfair and archaic institution as a baby. I’man athe

Victoria Rogers
17th March 2021
Reason I’m not longer a practising or a church goer anymore

Vincent kearns
9th January 2020
Reason Don’t believe any of it

Vincent McCaffrey
10th September 2018
Reason Was designated Catholic by well meaning but ignorant parents. Am utterly disgusted by the Catholic church as an institution, for its control techniques and hipocracy.

Vincent Murray
7th October 2022
Reason I do not believe in any of this.

Vivian Molloy
2nd June 2018
Reason The Catholic church does not represent my beliefs

Vivienne Donnellan
16th August 2015

Vivienne Gallagher
29th August 2018
Reason The abuse and cover up

vivienne trulock-hardy
9th August 2015
Reason I do not believe in the teachings of the RC church and support the separation of church and state

Vörös Ádám
19th February 2021

Walter Cassidy
29th May 2018
Reason To quote Father Dougal McQuire Dougal: Well you know the way God made us all, and he’s looking down at us from heaven and everything? And then his son came down and saved everyone and all that? And when we die, we’re all going to go to heaven? Bishop: Yes. What about it? Dougal: Well that’s the bit I have trouble with.

These are names 1,501-2,000 on, together with the people’s reasons for symbolically defecting from the Catholic Church (or any other church). You can read other names and reasons at the links below.

Names 1-500 | Names 501-1,000 | Names 1,001-1,500 | Names 1,501-2,000 | Names 2,001-2,500

Leave a comment at with your name and your reason for symbolically defecting, and we will record it on this website. If you want to remove your name, send us an email and we will do so.