Religion v Secularism – Michael Nugent debates Brendan O’Neill and Adnan Rashid
On Monday 20 February in University College Cork, Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland debated Brendan O'Neill of Spiked magazine and Adnan Rashid of iERA on the merits of Catholicism, Islam ...Read More
Religion v Secularism – Michael Nugent debates Brendan O'Neill and Adnan Rashid
On Monday 20 February in University College Cork, Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland debated Brendan O'Neill of Spiked magazine and Adnan Rashid of iERA on the merits of Catholicism, Islam ...Read More
Has religion poisoned Irish politics? Debate in Queens University Belfast
Has religion poisoned politics in Ireland? This debate was held on 5 December 2011 in Queens University Belfast, organized by the Belfast Humanist Group. Speaking for the motion were journalist ...Read More
Does religion do more harm than good? Michael Nugent debates Adnan Rashid
Does religion do more harm than good? Here are the opening speeches from the debate in NUI Galway, on Thursday Feb 9 2012, between Michael Nugent, chairperson Atheist Ireland, and ...Read More
Is the world better with religion? Michael Nugent debates Hamza Tzortzis
Is the world a better place with religion? Here are the opening speeches from the debate in Dublin Institute of Technology Bolton Street, on Tuesday Feb 7 2012, between Michael ...Read More
Repeal blasphemy laws: David Nash and Austin Dacey talk to Atheist Ireland
This is the second in a series of occasional lectures hosted by Atheist Ireland and livestreamed on the Internet. Professor David Nash and Austin Dacey talk about blasphemy laws, at ...Read More
Setting Prometheus Free: a lecture by AC Grayling for Atheist Ireland
Atheist Ireland is hosting a series of occasional lectures by prominent atheists. Here is the first one, with Professor AC Grayling, speaking last month in Dublin.
Is Scientology legitimate? Michael Nugent at TCD Philosophical Society
On October 27 Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland took part in a debate at the TCD Philosophical Society on the motion that Scientology is as legitimate as any other religion. ...Read More
Is Scientology legitimate? Full debate at TCD Philosophical Society
On October 27 Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland took part in a debate at the TCD Philosophical Society on the motion that Scientology is as legitimate as any other religion. ...Read More
This house rejects atheism – a response
The following video is on our YouTube channel. It's Professor Brian Bocking at a UCC debate last year, proposing the motion 'that this house rejects atheism'. For context, Professor Bocking ...Read More