New report could give churches more privileged access to lobby EU institutions and Irish Government
The European Humanist Federation and Humanists International have expressed concern that proposals would give more influence to religious groups on European laws, and with national governments, in a dialogue process that Atheist Ireland takes part in. A report by European Parliament Vice President Mairead McGuinness, and adopted by the European ...
Atheist Ireland welcomes removal of medieval crime of blasphemy
The people of Ireland have finally removed the medieval crime of blasphemy from our constitution, after a decade of campaigning by Atheist Ireland to have this referendum held. We will now continue to lobby for other secular changes, including ending the religious oath for President and the control that the ...
Atheist Ireland welcomes positive exit poll figures on blasphemy referendum
Exit polls suggest that today’s Yes vote might be between 69% (Irish Times exit poll) and 71% (RTE exit poll). We must remember that these are only exit polls, and not the official result of the vote, which we will not know until tomorrow or Sunday. Whatever the actual result, ...
Yet again, a Presidential election that excludes conscientious atheists
Yet again Ireland is to hold a Presidential election that excludes conscientious atheists as candidates, as in order to take office we would have to swear a religious oath that is in our Constitution. This would force us to dissemble about our beliefs, and breaches our human right to freedom ...
Atheist Ireland to meet Department of Justice today to discuss new blasphemy repeal bill
Atheist Ireland welcomes the published wording of the proposed amendment of the Constitution on around 25 October to repeal the offence of blasphemy. Atheist Ireland will be meeting this afternoon with officials in the Department of Justice, to clarify any technical or logistical questions that we have. We will then ...
Atheist Ireland asks Charities Regulator if Iona Institute is complying with Charities Act
Atheist Ireland wrote to the Charities Regulator in April 2018, asking it to investigate whether the Iona Institute is complying with the Charities Act. Update: The Regulator replied in June 2018, concluding that the Iona Institute is complying with the Act. The Regulator also stated that it was considering amending its ...
Atheist Ireland asks SIPOC about funding of Catholic Bishops’ referendum campaign
Atheist Ireland has asked the SIPO Commission to examine the funding of the Catholic Bishops' referendum campaign in support of retaining the eighth amendment. Atheist Ireland is a voluntary advocacy group, registered with SIPO as a Third Party. Because of our support for SIPO and its regulations, we have declined ...
Religious discrimination against women in Ireland – Jane Donnelly in La Raison magazine
Atheist Ireland works internationally, as members of Atheist Alliance International and the International Humanist and Ethical Union. We also work directly with atheist and secular groups in other countries, to share information and to help each other to achieve separation of church and state. The February 2018 edition of La ...
Atheist Ireland asks IHREC to recommend strengthening SIPO law
This weekend, the Citizens' Assembly has recommended strengthening the laws governing political parties and campaign groups that are seeking a particular outcome in a referendum. It has recommended equal public funding for both sides, limits on spending, and a ban on anonymous donations. Atheist Ireland agrees with these recommendations, just ...
The SIPO law was strengthened in 2015 to deal with Youth Defence. It needs to be strengthened further.
The SIPO law was strengthened in 2015, to deal with Youth Defence’s refusal to comply with it, after Youth Defence had published billboard advertisements showing images of young, distraught women and foetuses, and carrying slogans such as ‘Abortion tears her life apart.’ It is now essential that the SIPO law is ...