The Government has cut the funding of Accord, a Catholic Marriage Agency by €378,000 for pre-marriage courses. But despite this cut in funding, Accord will continue to receive State funding for their other services which are all based on the beliefs of one specific religion. Accord offers various services according ...
In February of this year, Atheist Ireland met An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD in his offices. One issue that we discussed related to the government promise of a referendum on blasphemy. In fact, during the meeting Atheist Ireland presented An Taoiseach with an open letter addressed to him directly, from many high profile signatories ...
With all the talk about ‘conscience clauses’ and the same-sex marriage referendum we would like to remind Church and State that there is a ‘conscience clause’ in our Constitution regarding education that they ignore all the time. Article 42.3.1 of the Irish Constitution states that:- The State shall not oblige ...
Atheist Ireland recently met with the NCCA and presented them with a Document named; Respecting the philosophical convictions of atheist/secular families in the education system. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment are developing a course on Education about Religions and Beliefs and Ethics (ERB). Given the legal framework in ...
Hemant Mehta, The Friendly Atheist, has said that it is no wonder that Atheist Ireland wants nothing to do with PZ Myers, that he gets why people would rather avoid him, and that after once writing a blurb endorsing PZ’s book, Hemant has wanted less and less to do with ...
Atheist Ireland is publicly dissociating itself from the hurtful and dehumanising, hateful and violent, unjust and defamatory rhetoric of the atheist blogger PZ Myers. The final of many, many straws were his latest smear that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is ‘happily exploiting atrocities’, and his subsequent description of Atheist Ireland’s chairperson ...
The proposed new Education (Admissions) to Schools Bill will not remove religious discrimination from our education system and protect human rights. Despite the requirement that the Admissions policies of schools will be obliged to include a statement that they shall not discriminate on religion, publicly funded National schools can still ...
Tom Colton was recently jailed for stealing €320,000 from an elderly couple. This conviction highlights the suspicion and contempt that the state holds for secular bodies in Ireland. Tom Colton is a registered marriage solemniser in Ireland, as his Spiritualist Union of Ireland is considered a religious body. Despite this conviction, Tom Colton ...
Here is a list of press coverage of the 10th February 2015 Taoiseach Atheist Ireland meeting, including the Minister for Education as part of the dialogue process between Government and religious and nonreligious philosophical bodies. Quick links to the stories below: Irish Times - RTE - Examiner - Newstalk - The Guardian - Regional ...
On 10th February 2015 Atheist Ireland meet the Taoiseach and the Minister for Education, as part of the dialogue process between Government and religious and nonreligious philosophical bodies. This is the first time ever that an atheist advocacy group meet the Taoiseach. It marks the next phase of Atheist Ireland's ongoing campaign for ...