Uinseann Holmes:
1. Will you work to reform the education system so that all children in your constituency can access publicly-funded schools which have no religious ethos?
2. Would you support a referendum to remove religious references from the Constitution?
3. Do you believe that blasphemy should be a criminal offence?
4. Would you support legislation to prevent hospitals from having a religious ethos?
5. If elected, would you vote to ensure that religious bodies are treated the same as other organisations under equality and employment legislation?
6. Do you believe that religions should have to pay their fair share of tax on income that does not come from charitable activities?
7. If you wish to provide a brief general statements of your views on the future development of secularisation in Ireland, or to highlight any previous comments you have made on related issues, please do so.
My upbringing was Catholic and it has served me well with core values and at Christian outlook. Now in adulthood I regard religions a bit like football teams, you pick your team and you support them through thick and thin. I believe in God and in spiritual intervention. It’s funny to be writing this down but your questionnaire set me thinking. I’m saying it as I see it, no dressing, just a plain truth for me. I accept that others cannot see that truth and I wish them well and respect their viewpoint also. My further comment is that hierarchical systems whether banking, church, or politics have let us down, in a new era we need state and faith in God to be people driven.
Trevor O Clochtaigh:
1. Will you work to reform the education system so that all children in your constituency can access publicly-funded schools which have no religious ethos?
Yes. Sinn Féin believes that the separation of Church and State must be completed. We must move to a democratically controlled education system, truly representative of the community, respecting the rights of people of all religions and none and totally child-centred.
2. Would you support a referendum to remove religious references from the Constitution?
Sinn Féin supports establishing an all-Ireland Constitutional Convention, directly elected by the people. The Forum would involve consultation at grassroots level and ensure participatory governance. Its remit would be to have an initial draft within 18 months of its establishment. It’s goal would be to produce a new constitution, fully reflective of the values and aspirations of the Irish people today, soundly based on democratic principles and international human rights standards, and which would form the basis for a future 32-County Republic
3. Do you believe that blasphemy should be a criminal offence?
Sinn Féin does not believe that blasphemy should be a criminal offence. During the debate on the Defamation Bill in 2009, Sinn Féin Justice Spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD put forward amendments to the Bill including the removal of the offence of blasphemy. There is
no place in a democratic secular society which practices free speech for a criminal offence of blasphemy. That said however, Sinn Féin would urge all publications to pay special attention to the views and sensitivities of each and every religious and cultural group that makes up Irish society.
4. Would you support legislation to prevent hospitals from having a religious ethos?
Sinn Féin wishes to introduce a universal health care system with publicly funded hospitals governed by medical ethics free from a religious ethos. In the context of private hospitals, we do not have a specific position on this issue, but we will examine this issue further in light of your concerns.
5. If elected, would you vote to ensure that religious bodies are treated the same as other organisations under equality and employment legislation?
6. Do you believe that religions should have to pay their fair share of tax on income that does not come from charitable activities?
This is an issue that certainly merits further consideration and we are willing to listen to all interested parties in order to develop a position on this.
7. If you wish to provide a brief general statements of your views on the future development of secularisation in Ireland, or to highlight any previous comments you have made on related issues, please do so.
I feel that we should have a space in Ireland for people of all religions and none. Freedom of speech and religious expression or none should be welcomed.
Derek Nolan:
See the statement provided by the Labour Party on behalf of all its candidates.
Fidelma Healy-Eames:
See the statement provided by Fine Gael on behalf of all its candidates.
Brian Walsh:
See the statement provided by Fine Gael on behalf of all its candidates.
Hildegarde Naughten:
See the statement provided by Fine Gael on behalf of all its candidates.
Sean Kyne:
See the statement provided by Fine Gael on behalf of all its candidates.
Niall Ó Brolcháin
See the statement provided by the Green Party on behalf of all its candidates.
No Response Received From:
Eamonn O’Cuiv
Frank Fahey
Michael Crowe
Eamon Walsh
Noel Grealish
Mike Cubbard
Catherine Connolly
Thomas Welby
Candidate Not Contacted:
Thomas Gerard King
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