Theist obsession with sex figures yet again in this months winners list as we have two winners in joint first place around the topic of sex and sexuality. The first of the winners is the lugubrious Bill O'Donoghue who sees fit to tell us that many Child Abuse victims were ...
Child Abuse figured heavily in this month’s polling results for the award. As usual when it appears the Vatican figured high in the polls. This month’s claim from their Top Exorcist is that the increase in child sex abuse and rape claims is the fault of Satan waging war on ...
South Dakota has put itself on the map of Truly True winners for Feburary by giving us a tale that sounds like it should be taller than their very own Mount Rushmore. A bill under construction in the stranger of the States is moving to make preventing harm to a ...
I have long heard claims being made, specifically in the Catholic faith, that during certain ceremonies, when certain propitiations are made, that normal Cracker Bread is changed “literally” into the body of a long dead Jewish Human Male who displayed later Zombie tendencies to refuse to stay in the grave. ...
With twice as many votes as any other nomination this months prize goes to Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, the head of the Orthodox Church's department for relations between the church and society for the gem of wisdom that "If she (a woman) is wearing a miniskirt, it is provocative, if she ...
With 2010 dead and gone to a better place it is time to turn out attention to handing out the big awards of the year. The Truly True Annuals. Coming in second place in the popularity polls from the year, and thus winning the annual IRISH TRULY TRUE BELIEVER OF ...
A tie between comical Homosexual and Christian issues has given this Months Believer award what can only be described cumulatively as a “Gay Christmas” feeling. The Christmas theme comes to us this year from Vendsyssel, Jutland where a Pastor so offended by Christmas elves saw fit to symbolically execute one ...
This month‘s winner is another home grown credulous memeoid. Easily brushing off competition from Pakistan’s prosecutions of Blasphemy and Muslim Cynophobia leading parents to obtain a "seeing eye horse" rather than a "seeing eye dog" our very own Minister for Social Protection raced to a victory with 42% of the ...
Father Dougal Mcguire can rest easy this month as the rise of the Anti-Santa in Germany failed to attract a single vote in the polls, while Christian attempts to take over Halloween barely made it to second place despite the core of their faith being based on an un-dead Jewish ...
Conor Lenihan surprised no one by winning this month’s award. An Anti-Science Science Minister would be anyone’s favourite to get past the post and win any award of this nature. It reminds us that although an award such as this is all a bit of fun, there are some serious ...