Atheist Ireland is asking voters to consider the position of candidates on secular issues before voting for President on Thursday. Four of the seven Presidential candidates have committed to recognising equally the rights of atheist and agnostic citizens if elected President, in replies to questions from Atheist Ireland. Currently an ...
This is an update on the ongoing work that we have been doing in the campaign against the Irish blasphemy law, which is still on the Irish statute books. Our campaign against this law took a different and less confrontational focus when the previous Justice Minister accepted that the law ...
Atheist Ireland chairperson Michael Nugent and Education Policy Officer Jane Donnelly are in Poland today for the OSCE Human Rights Conference on Human Rights. This is the first time an Irish atheist advocacy group has taken part in an OSCE event. We will highlight the need for a secular Irish ...
Here is a summary of the questions and answers part of the meeting last Tuesday between Michael Nugent and Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland, and the Department of Education’s Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector. We were questioned by the Advisory Group to the Forum, which consists ...
Yesterday, Tuesday September 6, Michael Nugent and Jane Donnelly attended the Department of Education’s Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector. We were there to elaborate on, and answer questions about, the written submission that Atheist Ireland previously made to the Forum. We were questioned by the Advisory ...
The following video is on our YouTube channel. It's Professor Brian Bocking at a UCC debate last year, proposing the motion 'that this house rejects atheism'. For context, Professor Bocking founded UCC’s Study of Religions Department, which studies theories of religion and atheism in a methodologically agnostic way. For clarification, ...
On Sunday 5 June 2011, the World Atheist Convention in Dublin discussed and adopted the following declaration on secularism and the place of religion in public life. Please discuss and promote it with your friends and colleagues, and if you are a a member of an atheist, humanist or secular ...
This weekend, June 3-5, the World Atheist Convention will take place in Dublin. On Sunday we will discuss and adopt the Dublin Declaration on Religion in Public Life. This will be a follow-up to the Copenhagen Declaration that was adopted at last year’s convention in Denmark. We will discuss two ...
Atheist Ireland’s third Annual General meeting will take place this weekend, on Saturday 9 April 2011, in the Gresham Metropole Hotel in Cork. Here is a review of the work that we have done since our second AGM in July 2010. 1. Secular Irish Constitution and laws 2. Secular Irish education ...
Atheist Ireland’s third Annual General meeting will take place this weekend, on Saturday 9 April 2011, in the Gresham Metropole Hotel in Cork. Here is a review of the work that we have done since our second AGM in July 2010. 1. Secular Irish Constitution and laws 2. Secular Irish education ...