Atheist Ireland is asking European and Local Election candidates to support this Secular Statement
Atheist Ireland is contacting European and Local Election candidates, asking them to support a Secular Statement supporting freedom of religion or belief and separation of church and state. The statement is based on the Dublin Declaration on Secularism and the Place of Religion in Public Life, which was adopted in ...
Update: Green Party election candidates respond positively to Atheist Ireland's Secular Statement
Update on Sunday 27 April: Several Green Party local election candidates have now indicated that they support the principles in the Secular Statement, and Green Party leader Eamon Ryan has contacted our Dublin Region chairperson Ashling O’Brien to say that their European Election candidates had already agreed to sign a ...
Approach of religious discrimination Bill is undesirable, says Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has said that the approach of the current Seanad Bill allowing religious discrimination is undesirable, and may continue to leave the State exposed to a breach of its obligations under the European Employment Equality Directive 2000/78. In a new Recommendation Paper, authored by ...
Senators raise Atheist Ireland concerns and proposals about religious job discrimination law
The concerns and proposals raised by Atheist Ireland in our briefing document to Senators were raised in the Seanad today, during a Committee Stage debate on Section 37 of the Employment Equality Act. This is the Section that allows religious institutions, including schools and hospitals, an exemption to discriminate against ...
Please ask Irish Senators today to oppose religious job discrimination in Seanad tomorrow, Wednesday 9 April
This Wednesday 9 April, Irish Senators will discuss a Bill that aims to amend Section 37 of the Irish Employment Equality Act. This is the Section that allows religious institutions, including schools and hospitals, an exemption to discriminate against employees to protect the religious ethos of their institution. This is ...
First responses by European Election candidates to Atheist Ireland Secular Statement
Atheist Ireland will be asking all European and Local Election candidates to sign a Secular Statement, based on the one adopted at the World Atheist Convention in Dublin in 2011. We will publish details of all responses, to enable voters to know which candidates are most and least supportive of ...
How Ireland must comply with its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Atheist Ireland has made the following written submission to the Seanad Public Consultation Committee on Ireland’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 1. Overview The key priorities and challenges facing Ireland in complying with the ICCPR are to comply with Articles 2 (nondiscrimination and right to ...
Atheist Ireland submission on draft Bill for Advance Healthcare Directives
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission on the Draft General Scheme for Advance Healthcare Directives for Incorporation into the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Bill (2013) 1. Introduction 1.1 Atheist Ireland is an Irish advocacy group. We promote atheism and reason over superstition and supernaturalism, and we promote an ethical, secular ...
Oireachtas Committee calls for integration not segregation in schools, as proposed by Atheist Ireland
The Oireachtas joint Committee on Education has concluded that multiple patronage and ethos as a basis for policy can lead to segregation and inequality in the education system, and that the objectives of admission policy should be equality and integration. This reflects the arguments made by Atheist Ireland to the ...
Jane Donnelly telling Dail Committee that Irish schools breach human rights law
This is video of Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland addressing the Oireachtas Committee on Education on 11 December about discrimination against secular parents and their children in Irish schools. Opening Statement - Irish schools breach human rights Answering Question - Respecting secularism Summary - Discrimination Hurts You can read the ...