The Irish Defence Forces Evangelise Military Personnel
The Irish Defence Forces operate a website for the Military Chaplaincy, which provides a service that is legally and constitutionally obliged to address those of all faiths and none with full equality. Unfortunately, it does not. Instead, this website provides for State-funded evangelisation of Catholicism towards military personnel and their ...
Chaplains in the Irish Defence Forces
Atheist Ireland has written the letter below to Minister of State at the Department of Defence, Paul Kehoe TD. Dear Minister Kehoe, Following some complaints that we have received from current and former members of the Irish Defence Forces, Atheist Ireland has recently completed processing a Freedom of Information request about ...
Atheist Ireland Writes To Bishop Leahy About Religion School Books
Atheist Ireland has written to Bishop Brendan Leahy, as part of efforts to ensure that there is a competitive market for school books in Ireland, which operates in the best interests of consumers. A competitive market is required to ensure that thousands of parents and guardians are not paying excessive ...
CCPC Questions Role of Bishops in School Book Market
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has sought an explanation from the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, in relation to a possible breach of EU competition law. The consumer protection body is concerned that the behaviour of the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference has been prejudicial to the interests of the ...
What Does The Bible Say About Abortion?
On 5th March 2017, Ashling O'Brien addressed the Citizen's Assembly on the question of abortion. The paper on which Ashling's presentation was based, makes it clear that the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution was religiously inspired. It is interesting to wonder though, by which revelation was it made known ...
Advertisements for Catholic Mass removed after request for Full Moon Ceremony
Third level colleges across the country are continuing to deal with the outcome of a successful Atheist Ireland campaign with respect to their State-funded chaplaincies. That campaign resulted in a report being issued by the Higher Education Authority, which required all chaplaincies funded by public monies in third level colleges, to ...
Irish State must respect the rights of atheists to freedom of belief and association
Despite the recent positive statement by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar about respecting freedom of religion and association, when talking about Scientology, the Irish State purports to legally decide what is and is not a religious group and who may be members of a religion. For example, a recent decision on behalf ...
Success of Crowdfunding Appeal
Atheist Ireland is very proud to announce that in less than one week, over €3,000 has been raised specifically to acquire information about religion in ETB schools. This is not only a strong vindication of the Atheist Ireland work in this area to date, but it is also indicative of ...
The Language Of Irish Politics Is Becoming More Secular
A bill that would remove the Good Friday alcohol ban, recently passed in the Seanad by a large majority. The debate on this issue was notable for how pervasive the core arguments of secularism, and the freedom of religion and belief, have now become within the language of Irish politics. ...
Polygamy in Ireland
This week, the Supreme Court has ruled that the polygamous second marriage of a Lebanese man is not valid under Irish law, while in contrast his first marriage will be valid. Under Lebanese law a man can have up to four wives but this ruling clarifies that the Irish prohibition on polygamy, ...