A look at the Atheist Ireland campaign to repeal the 8th Amendment. *updated version of an article first published 18/03/2017 We are nearing the end of the very long road to repeal. These final few weeks of campaigning are the accumulation of years of hard work and the dedication of ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. Today's Reason to Repeal is with thanks to Maeve in Galway. #Together4Yes for Savita.
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. Today's Reason to Repeal is with thanks to Lothar Luken. Innocent – unless put on a guilt trip Back in Germany in 1978, my girlfriend and ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. Today's Reason to Repeal is from Helen. My reason to repeal - forced sex is a crime, forced surgery is a crime so why do we ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. We will publish these over the coming weeks. "This amendment came in the same year I was born. I have far worse instances of my being ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. In response Tehmina Kazi and Conatus News have given us permission to use this recent piece. (First published on Conatus News on 12th March 2018, reproduced ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. In response Dave Cal has given us permission to include his recent blog 'Shrill, eh?', first published on his blog davecalproject Shrill, eh? To prejudge, to ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. We will publish these over the coming weeks. I am voting to Repeal The 8th Amendment because the civil law needs to be informed by the ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. We will publish these over the coming weeks. I am a 70 year old retired teacher and support Repeal the 8th 100%. My reasons being: As ...
What are your Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment? Atheist Ireland have asked our members and supporters their Reasons to Repeal the 8th Amendment. We will publish these over the coming weeks. - Because no one is pro abortion. But in the real world we know that sometimes you have ...