Atheist Ireland is a democratic Irish advocacy group. We promote atheism and reason over superstition and supernaturalism, and we promote an ethical, secular society where the State does not support or finance or give special treatment to any religion.



1. Mission Statement
1. Atheist Ireland aims to build a rational, ethical and secular society free from superstition and supernaturalism.

2. Aims
2.1. To promote atheism and reason over superstition and supernaturalism.
2.2. To promote an ethical and secular Ireland where the state does not support or fund or give special treatment to any religion.

3. Membership
3.1. Any person or who agrees with the mission and aims can be a member.
3.2. Any organisation that agrees with the mission and aims can be a member.
3.3. The management committee will set the annual membership fees. (See note below on Amendments)
3.4. Atheist Ireland may join or affiliate with other groups to further our aims.

4. Activities
4.1. The activities will be decided from time to time based on balancing our priorities with our available resources.
4.2. Individual members are not required to agree with or support each individual activity.

5. National Structure
5.1. The management committee consists of a Chairperson, Secretary, Finance Officer and Regional Officer (such members to be elected at each AGM) plus any other positions that the management committee deems useful to create or abolish from time to time for specific purposes (such members to be co-opted by the committee)
5.2. The full committee consists of the management committee plus the Chairperson of each regional group.
5.3. The full committee may decide that the entire membership will vote on certain issues.
5.4. The full committee will hold an AGM for all members every year.

6. Regional Structure
6.1. The management committee will establish regional committees, that will have a similar structure and membership at regional level as the national committee has at national level.
6.2. Regional committees will hold their own AGMs of regional members every year.
6.3. Regional committees may establish local committees within their region.
6.3. Regional and local committees will operate autonomously to promote Atheist Ireland and its aims within their areas consistently with this constitution.

7. Review
7.1. This constitution may be amended by a vote of two thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM.


3.3. This originally read “The annual membership fee is €€25 for waged, or €€10 for unwaged/students.” It was amended by members at the 6th AGM held in Wynns Hotel Dublin (25/11/2014), having been proposed at the previous AGM in Galway (21/9/2013.)