Atheist Ireland has been granted special consultative status at the United Nations. We are the first national-level atheist organisation to get this status. It means we can engage with the UN Economic and Social Council, Human Rights Council, General Assembly, and Secretariat, in order to advance our aims. On January ...
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This week’s Secular Sunday can be found here. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email
Article 44.2.4 of the Constitution protects the right of students to attend a school receiving public funds without attending religious instruction. It unambiguously states: "Legislation providing State aid for schools shall not discriminate between schools under the management of different religious denominations, nor be such as to affect prejudicially the right ...
This week’s Secular Sunday can be found here. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email
Since December 2021, Atheist Ireland has been lobbying to vindicate the constitutional right to not attend religious instruction in schools, and to uphold parental authority in the education of their children, which the Supreme Court has described as a foundational pillar of the Constitution. As well as lobbying individual politicians ...
The Irish Times reported yesterday that Humanist celebrants have secured a temporary High Court injunction against the Humanist Association of Ireland. The injunction is to stop the Humanist Association from taking fitness-to-practice proceedings against the Humanist celebrants because the celebrants won’t hand over information on the humanist weddings that the ...
This week’s Secular Sunday can be found here. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the NCCA Consultation on the redevelopment of Senior Cycle SPHE. 1. Overview 2. Why legal change is needed 3. Constitutional rights of parents 4. Legal route to course being taught through religious ethos 5. Catholic Church Guidelines on teachers upholding their ethos ...