Secular Sunday #561 – Ethical Code of the Sisters of Charity Health Service
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Ethical Code of the Sisters of Charity Health Service This week John Hamill obtained a copy of the Religious Sisters of Charity Health Service Philosophy and Ethical Code under the Freedom ...
Revealed: The Philosophy and Ethical Code of the Religious Sisters of Charity Health Service
This week John Hamill obtained a copy of the Religious Sisters of Charity Health Service Philosophy and Ethical Code under the Freedom of Information Act. The Saint Vincent's Hospital Group had refused to give it to him, but John appealed and the Office of the Information Commissioner overruled the hospital. ...
Secular Sunday #560 – Catholic schools and sacramental preparation
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Catholic schools and sacramental preparation Reports that the Catholic Church in Dublin is to start moving the preparation of children for sacraments out of the classroom are welcome, but they are ...
Is the Catholic Church really moving sacramental preparation out of schools?
Reports that the Catholic Church in Dublin is to start moving the preparation of children for sacraments out of the classroom are welcome, but they are exaggerated when compared to the full policy document published by the Archdiocese. The full policy document says that schools will continue to “educate children ...
Secular Sunday #559 – Religion and Belief in the Charities Amendment Bill
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Religion and Belief in the Charities Amendment Bill Atheist Ireland has made a submission about Religion and Belief in the Charities Amendment Bill to the Joint Committee on Social Protection, Community ...
Religion and Belief in the Charities Amendment Bill
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the Joint Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands about Religion and Belief in the Charities Amendment Bill. Contents 1. Introduction to Atheist Ireland 2. Our recommendation 3. Amend ‘Religion’ to ‘Religion or Belief’ 4. The Constitution protects ...
Secular Sunday #558 – Why we need a secular constitution
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Why we need a secular constitution Atheist Ireland has told Senators that we need a secular constitution, as part of the Seanad’s examination of the future of the island of Ireland. ...
Ireland needs a secular constitution, Atheist Ireland tells Seanad committee
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the Seanad Public Consultation Committee on the Constitutional Future of the Island of Ireland. Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Recommendations 3. Remove Specific References to God 4. Replace Religious Oaths for Public Office Holders 5. Amend Articles on Fundamental Rights 1. Executive Summary ...