In the five years since 2016, the percentage of religious marriages in Ireland has dropped from 67.4% to 56.7%, Roman Catholic marriages have dropped from 56.3% to 39%, and nonreligious marriages have risen from 32.6% to 43.3%. This shows the need for the State to remove the privilege it gives ...
Atheist Ireland has made the following input to a United Nations report about combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatisation, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief, as set forth in UN Resolution 76/157. Contents 1. The need to consistently use the phrase ‘based on religion ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Atheist Ireland writes to Minister for Finance about Schools Atheist Ireland has written to Paschal Donohoe TD, Minister for FInance, regarding the misuse of public funds in Irish schools regarding the right ...
Atheist Ireland has written the following letter to Paschal Donohoe TD, Minister for FInance, regarding the misuse of public funds in Irish schools. Dear Minister Donohoe, We wish to make a complaint about the misuse of public funds in relation to the criteria by which any class or classes of recognised ...
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission to the review of the operation of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. Which parts of the Act have not operated well? Conscientious objection: Nearly 50% of maternity hospitals do not provide full abortion services, and conscientious objection may be ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Have a Happy Secular Easter Atheist Ireland wishes everyone a happy secular Easter. For thousands of years, people have celebrated the coming of Spring with fertility symbols including hares, rabbits, and ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Stop Saying 'Opt Out’ of Religious Instruction Many people informally refer to the right to ‘opt out’ of religious instruction in Irish schools. But that term is unhelpful. The right in ...