This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email Editorial Hospitals, Schools, and Assisted Dying It is scandalous that the Government is even contemplating ceding control over the new national maternity hospital to a private body, given how many problems have already ...
In a democratic republic, the State should own and directly run the national maternity hospital. It should not cede control over this essential public service to any private body, never mind to a charity associated with the Catholic church, which has an appalling record of human rights abuses and an ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email Editorial Religion teachers undermine students' rights This week religion teachers complained about Catholic students being bullied because they are different. They are correct to raise this issue. No student should be treated differently ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial The right to freedom of thought This week Atheist Ireland made a submission about freedom of thought to Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. ...
The Minister for Education, Norma Foley and the Department of Education are trying to control the language around Relationship and Sexuality Education in order to hide the influence that a catholic ethos has on the teaching of the subject. The Minister and the Department use the words 'treated' and 'hear' ...
Atheist Freethinkers/Libres Penseurs Athées of Montreal today made an online presentation in support of Bill 21, a recent law that promotes separation of Church and State in Quebec, which is facing ongoing legal challenges. The law was passed in June 2019, entitled ‘An Act respecting the laicity of the State.’ ...
Atheist Ireland has made the following submission about Freedom of Thought to Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Mr Shaheed had called for inputs to a report he is compiling for the UN General Assembly on the topic. Contents 1. Internal — Freedom ...
This week’s Secular Sunday. To avoid missing out, sign up here to receive Secular Sunday by email *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Editorial Ten Years since the World Atheist Convention in Dublin This week we held an online social event for members to mark the tenth anniversary of the World Atheist Convention in Dublin ...
A decade ago, on Sunday the 5th of June 2011, the final session of the 3 day World Atheist Convention in Dublin was held. At that session the Dublin Declaration was discussed and adopted. This addressed the role of secularism and the place of religion in public life. Dublin ...