Why repeal the 8th? Video of the speakers at Atheist Ireland’s Information Evening
Are you still undecided about the referendum? Do you want to know more about the history of the amendment, medical issues, views from maternity services and the rape crisis network, and the practicalities of canvassing?
Atheist Ireland held an Information Evening yesterday about why we should repeal the eighth amendment, with expert speakers on all of these issues. Here is video of the six speakers at the event:
- Ashling O’Brien of Atheist Ireland introducing the speakers
- Treasa McVeigh of Together For Yes talking about the history of the amendment
- Dr Mark Murphy of Doctors For Choice talking about medical issues
- Dr Krysia Lynch, Chair of AIMS (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services)
- Dr Cliona Saidléar, Executive Director of the Rape Crisis Network Ireland
- Bernadette Grogan of Together For Yes talking about canvassing for repeal
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