This referendum sees the fall of the Catholic Berlin Wall that has kept a pluralist Irish people trapped within the laws of a Catholic Irish Constitution. Pregnant Irish women will now have the same right, to equality before the law, that gay couples have had since the marriage equality vote ...
Still undecided? Ten good reasons to vote Yes this Friday
A look at the Atheist Ireland campaign to repeal the 8th Amendment. *updated version of an article first published 18/03/2017 We are nearing the end of the very long road to repeal. These final few weeks of campaigning are the accumulation of years of hard work and the dedication of ...
Minister for Education Richard Bruton has announced plans to prohibit State-funded primary schools run by the Catholic Church from discriminating in access on the ground of religion, but which will allow State-funded schools run by minority religions to continue to discriminate on the ground of religion if they are oversubscribed. ...
Are you still undecided about the referendum? Do you want to know more about the history of the amendment, medical issues, views from maternity services and the rape crisis network, and the practicalities of canvassing? Atheist Ireland held an Information Evening yesterday about why we should repeal the eighth amendment, ...