The United Nations Human Rights Committee has today told Pakistan to respect human rights, including freedom of religion and belief, under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Atheist Ireland, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Ireland, and the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, briefed the UN Committee in Geneva, before it ...
A bill that would remove the Good Friday alcohol ban, recently passed in the Seanad by a large majority. The debate on this issue was notable for how pervasive the core arguments of secularism, and the freedom of religion and belief, have now become within the language of Irish politics. ...
This week in Geneva, the United Nations Human Rights Committee questioned Pakistan on its human rights obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Before this, the Committee was briefed by six NGOs, including a unique joint delegation from Atheist Ireland, the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland and the ...
In the coming week, Irish Atheists, Evangelicals and Ahmadi Muslims will be jointly challenging human rights abuses in Pakistan, at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. We will be speaking out for persecuted religious and nonreligious minorities living in Pakistan, who are afraid to speak out themselves. On Monday July ...
Atheist Ireland and many parents are challenging the second level school transport scheme, which is unjust and discriminatory. And Ruth Coppinger TD has asked the Minister for Education the latest in a series of Dail questions, which you can read below, in relation to the scheme. The scheme gives privilege ...