Minister Bruton’s new proposal is an unjust fine-tuning of an already unjust religious discrimination
Minister Bruton’s new proposal on schools admissions is an unjust fine-tuning of an already unjust religious discrimination. He is proposing to stop Catholic schools refusing to admit children on the basis of religion, but minority faith primary schools will be allowed to continue doing this. But there is a basic ...
Education Committee report must not lead to fine-tuning of religious discrimination
The Oireachtas Education Committee has made two important recommendations regarding religious discrimination in Irish schools. The most important proposal is respecting the right to opt out from religion in schools, and putting in place guidelines to enable this to happen. The second is ending the use of baptism certs in ...
Polygamy in Ireland
This week, the Supreme Court has ruled that the polygamous second marriage of a Lebanese man is not valid under Irish law, while in contrast his first marriage will be valid. Under Lebanese law a man can have up to four wives but this ruling clarifies that the Irish prohibition on polygamy, ...
Don’t be fooled – Community National Schools reflect Catholic teaching
A school in Kerry is to re-open as a Community National School. The Bishop of Kerry is to transfer a primary school to the patronage of the local Education and Training Board. The Catholic Church prefer the (ETB) Community National schools because these schools reflect their educational philosophy. When the ...
Protecting our lives and our way of life
In recent months Islamist terrorists have committed mass murders in Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, the Philippines, Syria, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Their victims have ranged from Muslims at a Sufi shrine, to Christians in Church, and random people enjoying a concert or ...
Irish Atheists, Evangelicals and Ahmadiyya Muslims jointly challenge Pakistan human rights abuses at United Nations
For the first time ever, Irish Atheists, Evangelicals and Ahmadiyya Muslims are jointly challenging human rights abuses in Pakistan at the United Nations. Yesterday we made a written submission to the UN, which is now on the UN website, and in July we will be addressing the UN Human Rights ...
Attack on our Ahmadi Muslim friends in Galway was immoral and senseless
The attack on our friends in the Ahmadi Muslim mosque in Galway yesterday evening was both immoral and senseless. It was immoral because it was an attack on innocent people, and on the principle of freedom of religion and belief. And it was senseless because the Ahmadi Muslim community are ...