Atheist Ireland at International Hate Studies Conference in Limerick
Atheist Ireland was represented this week at the International Network on Hate Studies conference in the University of Limerick. It was one of the most engaging and informative conferences that we have attended. We learned a lot about prejudice and hate motivated behaviour, which we will be able to bring ...
Maryam Namazie moves blog and launches new website
Maryam Namazie is one of the most important and courageous human rights campaigners that Atheist Ireland has the privilege to know and work with. She has launched a new website at which will cover all of her work, videos, press coverage, photos and more. Atheist Ireland is happy to ...
The Functioning of a Dysfunctional Law
Atheist Ireland has consistently opposed the Civil Registration (Amendment) Act, 2014. This legislation was introduced by Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton, in order to allow both religious and secular bodies to solemnise civil marriages. By providing much more onerous criteria for secular bodies to meet, this legislation discriminates against ...
Atheist Ireland response to Programme for Government and UN examination of Ireland
This week saw two significant developments that will affect Atheist Ireland’s work in the coming years: the new Programme for Government, and the UN questioning of Ireland’s human rights record under the Universal Periodic Review process. Atheist Ireland will continue to promote an ethical, secular Ireland as partners in the ...
Please ask independent TDs to raise religious discrimination with Fine Gael
Fine Gael and Fianna Fail have now published their arrangement for Fianna Fail supporting a Fine Gael led minority government. This arrangement does not mention human rights breaches such as religious discrimination in the education system and the need for secular schools, the blasphemy law, religious oaths for political and ...
UN to ask Ireland about secular education and blasphemy law, following lobbying by Atheist Ireland
The UN will ask Ireland next week about secular education and our blasphemy law, matching recommendations that Atheist Ireland successfully lobbied for in our meetings in Geneva last month. For the first time, Ireland will be specifically asked about replacing the school patronage system with an inclusive secular one. Atheist Ireland highlighted ...
The Civil Registration Act is Dysfunctional
The Civil Registration (Amendment) Act 2012, was introduced by Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton. This Act allows both religious and secular bodies to solemnise civil marriages. Atheist Ireland has consistently opposed this legislation as it discriminates against non-religious citizens, while providing religious bodies with unwarranted privileges. We highlighted the lack of any ...
21 great lessons from the Rationalist Conference in Tallinn
Here are 20 great lessons taken from the recent Rationalist conference in Tallinn Estonia. This conference was held last weekend and Atheist Ireland's chairperson was one of the speakers. [ess_grid alias="even-gallery"]