Next week, Atheist Ireland is hosting the Irish premier of the movie 'A Better Life: An Exploration of Joy & Meaning in a World Without God’, followed by a Q&A with the director/producer Chris Johnson. It starts at 7.30pm on Friday 8 May, in the Screen Cinema in Dublin, and ...
The Iona Institute has made a significant U-turn by finally registering as a third party with the Standards in Public Office Commission, just seven weeks after they made a declaration to the Commission that they did not consider that they had to register, and less than a week after Atheist ...
Atheist Ireland has registered with SIPO, the Standards in Public Office Commission, as we are a body that seeks to influence public policy. We have also written to the Standards Commission asking them to ask the Catholic Church, the Humanist Association of Ireland, and the Iona Institute to also register ...
Aron Ra, Texas State Director of American Atheists, will be speaking in Dublin next Tuesday evening at a public meeting organised by Atheist Ireland, about how religion harms education. It will be Aron's first talk for Atheist Ireland since our successful World Atheist Convention in Dublin in 2011. The meeting ...
With all the talk about ‘conscience clauses’ and the same-sex marriage referendum we would like to remind Church and State that there is a ‘conscience clause’ in our Constitution regarding education that they ignore all the time. Article 42.3.1 of the Irish Constitution states that:- The State shall not oblige ...
On 27th March of this year, a student at Dundalk IT called Nadia Williams, published a blog post that earned very widespread media coverage in Ireland and beyond. Nadia's piece described unwanted proselytising from the college and the story was described in national newspapers, such as the Sunday Times under the ...
Atheist Ireland today sent this submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which will be examining Ireland in June about its human rights obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Atheist Ireland has already sent a submission to this Committee while the Committee was preparing a ...
Atheist Ireland welcomes the threat by the Irish Catholic Bishops that the Church may no longer perform the civil aspects of weddings, if marriage is extended to same-sex couples. We believe a formal separation of the religious elements of a church marriage, and the civil elements of a state marriage, ...
Atheist Ireland recently met with the NCCA and presented them with a Document named; Respecting the philosophical convictions of atheist/secular families in the education system. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment are developing a course on Education about Religions and Beliefs and Ethics (ERB). Given the legal framework in ...
The Secular Policy Institute has responded to Atheist Ireland’s public dissociation from the harmful and hateful rhetoric of the atheist blogger PZ Myers. The Institute says that the secular movement should stop rewarding those who cause discord, and it asks why are “shock jock” bloggers invited to lecture at major ...