First ever meeting of Taoiseach with atheist advocacy group this Tuesday
At 6.30 pm this Tuesday Atheist Ireland will have the first ever meeting of the Taoiseach with atheist advocacy group and the Minister for Education, as part of the dialogue process between Government and religious and nonreligious philosophical bodies.
This will be the first time ever that an atheist advocacy group has met the Taoiseach. It will mark the next phase of our ongoing campaign for an ethical, secular State that respects equally everybody’s rights.
We will be bringing an atheist teacher, an atheist parent and an atheist student to tell the Taoiseach and Education Minister at first hand their experience of religious discrimination in Irish schools.
Also, between 12 and 3 pm on Tuesday, we will be holding a briefing session for TDs and Senators in the Boardroom in Buswells Hotel, about the issues we will be raising with the Taoiseach, including:
- How Ireland breaches the human rights of the 340,000 people who did not identify with any religion in the last census, as well as members of minority faiths.
- How the Irish Constitution, education system and laws and practices systemically discriminate against atheists in favour of religions, spiritualists and humanists.
- The specific changes needed to respect equally the right of all citizens to freedom of conscience, religion or belief; equality before the law and freedom from discrimination.
- The relevant constitutional articles, international human rights treaties, and judgments of the European Court of Human Rights that show what the state has to do to fulfill our obligations under human rights law.
For the briefing sessions with TDs and Senators in Buswells, we will be giving short formal presentations on the hour at 12, 1, 2 and 3, and we will be there to answer questions for the rest of the time.
Please email or phone your local TDs (firstname.surname@oireachtas.ie, 01-6183000) and tell them, as a citizen and constituent, that you would like them to attend this important briefing session.
As education officer of the Irish Second-level Student’s Union I am looking forward to the outcomes of this meeting. Our union does not have an official stance in responce to the discrimination of atheist students in religious schools (at the moment) but I definitely think it is something that needs to be addressed. If my services as a representative of students of Ireland can be of help, do not hesitate to email me at joanna@issu.ie . Best of luck with the meeting!
Hi Joanna
Thanks for the supportive email, and great to see you are working to help fellow students.
There is lots of helpful material on the “Teach Don’t Preach” website to assist students and/or their parent(s) or guardian(s) who believe they may be being discriminated against because of the student’s “lack of faith”. If using those resources still hasn’t helped, then I’d suggest contacting AI directly, outlining the nature of the problem and asking for help or advice.