Please join or rejoin Atheist Ireland, and help to promote an ethical secular Ireland
Atheist Ireland is seeking new members to help us to promote an ethical secular Ireland, where your child can attend school without religious discrimination and indoctrination, and can grow up to aspire to be Taoiseach or President or a Judge without having to swear a religious oath. You can also ...
Party and Candidate Responses to the Secular Statement
Over the past few weeks Atheist Ireland have been contacting candidates running in both the local and European elections asking them to show their support for secular values and principles by signing a Secular Statement. We were also in contact with all the major parties; Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Labour, ...
How the so-called Irish Catholic newspaper has manufactured a controversy about Atheist Ireland and the Green Party
In the past few days the so-called* Irish Catholic newspaper has manufactured and escalated a controversy about Atheist Ireland and the Green Party, using poor research and failures in basic journalistic standards. It has also misled its readers by failing to report its own role in the controversy. Most significantly, ...
The Irish Catholic newspaper is misrepresenting Eamon Ryan, the Green Party and Atheist Ireland
The Irish Catholic Newspaper has published two untrue allegations on its website, one titled ‘Eamon Ryan backs end to funding for Catholic schools’ and the other titled ‘Eamon Ryan backs away from attack on Catholic education’. These articles misrepresent Eamon Ryan, the Green Party and Atheist Ireland. Both articles falsely ...
The Secular Statement that Atheist Ireland is asking election candidates to endorse
Atheist Ireland’s policy on secularism is reflected in the Dublin Declaration on Secularism and the Place of Religion in Public Life. This was adopted by delegates at the World Atheist Convention in Dublin in 2011. We actively promote its principles as the basis for an ethical and secular State in ...
The Political Sin of Vincible Ignorance
The Chair of Atheist Ireland’s Cavan/Monaghan Branch John Hamill writing on the Taoiseach, the canonization of Pope John Paul, Mormons, Saint Anthony of Padua and Senator Ronan Mullen. By John Hamill While the Taoiseach was taking his place during the ceremony in Rome to canonize the late Pope John Paul ...
Update on Local and European Election Candidates
Atheist Ireland continues to contact European and Local Election candidates, asking them to support a Secular Statement supporting freedom of religion or belief and separation of church and state. We will update regularly on which candidates have either signed or expressed their support for the values outlined in the Secular ...
‘Parental Choice’ in education is a euphemism for religious segregation
In a speech yesterday the Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin said that pluralism is something we should welcome. He said that, “The Catholic children of the Ireland of the future will live in a climate of pluralism and must learn not to fear pluralism but to be able proudly and ...