If it looks like the Angelus… Jane Donnelly on RTE's Beyond Belief
Jane Donnelly of Atheist Ireland was on RTE’s Beyond Belief on 14 October 2013 discussing RTE’s daily broadcasting of the Angelus. Also on the show was Roger Childs, head of religious programming on RTE. Please email Roger to let him know your opinions about RTE broadcasting the Angelus at roger.childs@rte.ie
In this extract Jane rejects RTE’s claim that the broadcast is a moment of reflection for everyone, arguing that if it looks like the Angelus, sounds like the Angelus and is called the Angelus, then it is the Angelus.
In this extract Jane and Dil Wickremasinghe argue that RTE should replace its daily Angelus with a moment of reflection for all, and Jane Donnelly argues for wider change towards a secular Ireland.
In this extract Jane argues that opposition to RTE changing the daily Angelus broadcast reflects the privilege that the religious majority currently have.