Atheist Ireland is working with Educate Together to develop Ireland's first course about atheism for primary school children. Michael Nugent discussed the issue on CKNW News Talk AM 980 Radio in Vancouver in Canada with host Sean Leslie and Pat O'Brien of Center For Inquiry in Canada.
As promised, this week's newsletter comes to you considerably earlier than you've become used to. Those who prefer to get it later can simply wait a few hours before reading. - Derek Walsh, Editor (more…)
This week has been all about our fifth AGM. I'm glad to report that it was an enjoyable and productive event and that I received a lot of positive feedback about this newsletter. I'm glad it's being read anyway, and to those who expressed a wish that it would arrive ...
Atheist Ireland will launch two important initiatives at our AGM today, Saturday 21 September, in the Harbour Hotel in Galway, from 10 am to 5 pm. We will be launching the Dublin Declaration on Secularism Empowering Women, that was drafted at our international conference on this topic in June. This ...
1. Report of Activities since 2012 AGM 2. Financial Report for 2012 3. Committee Elections 2013 4. Priorities and Plans for 2013-2014 1. Report of Activities since 2012 AGM In October 2012, we launched our Good WIthout Gods initiative to encourage charitable and otherwise worthwhile activities by our members and ...
On 30 June 2013, Atheist Ireland's international conference in Dublin on Empowering Women Through Secularism discussed and adopted the following declaration. We are launching it today at the Atheist Ireland AGM in the Harbour Hotel in Galway. 1. Secular Values in Society The secular values that will empower women are ...
This is Kate Smurthwaite's closing address at the international conference on Empowering Women Through Secularism hosted by Atheist Ireland in Dublin in June 2013.
This week's newsletter is a little more compact than usual, which is entirely due to all the important work we're doing behind the scenes and not at all because I spent most of yesterday listening to TED talks and most of today looking at aeroplanes. - Derek Walsh, Editor (more…)
Another extra long Second Sunday brunch has led to this newsletter being quite late again. Isn't it great to be an atheist and have your Sundays free? Anyway, we have some important news about our AGM and the usual other bits and pieces. - Derek Walsh, Editor (more…)
September signals the end of the summer and if you are a parent (or indeed a student) it means back to school. As well as making sure uniforms and bags are in order, it can also mean having to deal with religious indoctrination. If your child is just starting school, ...