As regular as the workings of a slightly wonky clock, it's time for this week's Secular Sunday. You know the drill by now: we've got news, views and a list of upcoming events. Enjoy, and see you at a roughly similar time next week. - Derek Walsh, Editor (more…)
Atheist Ireland has today written to Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore, to remind him that next Monday, as a member of the Council of State, he will become the first Irish person to be asked to swear a Constitutional oath in the presence of a god that he is publicly on record ...
Jane Donnelly reports on the ongoing efforts by Atheist Ireland, including through Freedom of Information requests, to find out the basis on which decisions are taken in implementing the discriminatory aspects of the Civil Registration Act. We are continuing to pursue this issue, and we will publish updates as we ...
Jane Donnelly reports on the ongoing efforts by Atheist Ireland, including through Freedom of Information requests, to find out the basis on which decisions are taken in implementing the discriminatory aspects of the Civil Registration Act. We are continuing to pursue this issue, and we will publish updates as we ...
If you're a Catholic, the Vatican has announced that you can reduce the amount of time spent in Purgatory ("a sort of divine Ellis island" in Richard Dawkins' memorable description) by following Pope Francis on Twitter. As you're reading this, it's overwhelmingly likely that you're not a Catholic, and you'd probably get ...
If you're a Catholic, the Vatican has announced that you can reduce the amount of time spent in Purgatory ("a sort of divine Ellis island" in Richard Dawkins' memorable description) by following Pope Francis on Twitter. As you're reading this, it's overwhelmingly likely that you're not a Catholic, and you'd probably get ...
Atheist Ireland has today made the following submission to the Irish Constitutional Convention, seeking the removal of the offence of blasphemy from the Irish Constitution. 1. Executive summary 1. Atheist Ireland is an advocacy group for atheism, reason and ethical secularism. We are participants in the dialogue process between the ...
While you've all been enjoying the sunshine, I've been slaving over a hot laptop to bring you this week's newsletter. Actually that's not entirely true, which is why you're only getting this long after the sun has gone down. Anyway, it's the usual mix of news, upcoming events and the ...
It is good to see the the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child demanding detailed answers from the Vatican, with regard to the Vatican’s obligations under the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. These detailed questions expose the Vatican’s self-serving strategy of claiming to be ...
Things are finally back to normal this week. No holidays or conferences to get in the way of me delivering all the important atheist news and views to you all. Rest assured, I closed the curtains and ignored this weekend's record-breaking sunshine in order to get this newsletter written. I ...