Earlier than you expected, it's this week's Secular Sunday. In this issue: Accessibility Other News Upcoming Events Blogasm (more…)
It's time for Secular Sunday, the weekly newsletter of Atheist Ireland. In this issue: News Upcoming Events Blogonomy (more…)
Following our 2012 Annual General Meeting yesterday, these are the mission, aims, officers, committee members, and political and other priorities for Atheist Ireland for the next year: Contents Mission Statement and Aims Officers and Committee Major Political Priorities Policy on Ethical Issues Making Atheist Ireland Inclusive Women in Secularism Conference ...
Following our 2012 Annual General Meeting yesterday, these are the mission, aims, officers, committee members, and political and other priorities for Atheist Ireland for the next year: Contents Mission Statement and Aims Officers and Committee Major Political Priorities Policy on Ethical Issues Making Atheist Ireland Inclusive Women in Secularism Conference ...
This is the Annual Report and Agenda for Atheist Ireland’s fourth Annual General Meeting, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday,20 October 2012, from 2-5 pm in Buswell’s Hotel on Molesworth Street, Dublin. We’ll be reviewing our activity for the last year, and planning our priorities for the next year. All ...
This is a video and transcript of Michael Nugent's talk yesterday opposing religious circumcision at TCD Theological Society. Thank you very much for inviting me here today. It’s a pretty disturbing topic. To be honest, I find circumcision to be one of the more disgusting and reprehensible examples of religion ...
Welcome to this week's Secular Sunday. In this issue: News Upcoming Events On the Box Blogosity (more…)
[caption id="attachment_4010" align="alignright" width="320" caption="Michael Nugent addressing the OSCE"][/caption] Welcome to Secular Sunday, Atheist Ireland's weekly newsletter. In this issue: News Upcoming Events Blog Corner (more…)
This is Michael Nugent's speech to the OSCE human rights meeting in Warsaw, Poland, yesterday on protecting the human rights of atheists and ending blasphemy laws internationally.
This is Michael Nugent's speech to the OSCE human rights meeting in Warsaw, Poland, yesterday on protecting the human rights of atheists and ending blasphemy laws internationally.