Secular Sunday #37 – Insert Clever Subtitle Here
It’s time (some might even say it’s past time) for this week’s Secular Sunday.
In this issue:
- News
- Upcoming Events
- Blogism
- Last Monday on RTÉ Radio 1, Michael Nugent debated Oliver Scharbrodt, lecturer in Islamic Studies in UCC, on the subject of blasphemy laws in Ireland and internationally. Listen here
- Peter Ferguson, a student in NUI Galway is setting up an Atheist/Humanist Society there. Registration is on Wednesday 12th September, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in Aras na McLeinn in NUIG. The inaugural talk is being held on Tuesday 18th in the Siobhan McKenna theatre at 7:00 pm and is open to the public. Ann James, chairperson of the Humanist Association of Ireland, will be answering the question “What is Humanism?” For further information, please email Galway Humanists.
- Brendan Maher, a member of Atheist Ireland and HAI, is planning to set up an information table outside the GPO in O’Connell St. to provide information about atheism, humanism and secularism. He’ll be there on the 6th of October from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, and is planning to be there the first Saturday of every month. If you’re interested in helping out in any way, email Brendan.
Upcoming Events
- Monday 10 September, 8:30 pm, McSwiggans Bar and Restaurant, Woodquay, Galway (map)
Galway Skeptics in the Pub: “Let’s just put plus on everything, get back to square one”. Facebook event page. - Thursday 13 September, 7:30 pm, Location TBA, Dublin
Dublin Atheists in the Pub. Our usual venue of The Bankers is unavailable this week so we’ll be at an as yet unknown location. Our speaker this month is Patty Gray of NUI Maynooth who will be discussing the recent Pussy Riot situation in Russia. Check the Facebook event page or our website for updates on the location. - Thursday 13 September, 8:00 pm, Malone Lodge Hotel, Eglantine Ave., Belfast (map)
Humani‘s monthly meeting. David McConaghie from the Caleb Foundation will be speaking on the origins of the Giant’s Causeway. - Saturday 15 September, 1:30 pm, Storey’s Gate, London, England
Protest march for a secular Europe. If you’re in London, you can join this annual march for equal rights for all and the removal of special privileges for religions. - Tuesday 18 September, 7:00 pm, Siobhan McKenna Theatre, NUI Galway (map)
“What is Humanism?” Ann James of the NUI will be giving the inaugural talk of a new atheist and humanist society in NUI Galway. All are welcome. - Wednesday 19 September, 8:00 pm, Absolute Hotel, Sir Harry’s Mall, Kings Island, Limerick (map)
The Mid West Humanists will be meeting. Any non-believers or people leaning that way are welcome. The meeting is due to make plans for pairs or trios of members to visit all the TDs in Limerick, Clare, and North Tipperary with a list of desired changes to the Constitution, and to ask that these issues be sent to the Constitutional convention.
- More likely, the only way to like Youth Defence is to live many thousand miles away, and know very little about them. – Geoff’s Shorts looks into who’s following Youth Defence on Twitter, and why. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- This lifetime will never be enough, but it is all we have. To me, my atheism means I try to give my all to this life. I don’t get a do-over. Relationships have to be mended here, we don’t get a forever heaven to make sure people know how we really feel. – ickletayto has some random thoughts on atheism.
That’s it for another week. Till next time, take care.
Derek Walsh
Editor, Secular Sunday
Atheist Ireland
Category Secular Sunday,
Dear Atheist Ireland team,
I’m an agnostic from Germany, or rather a 6 on the Dawkins scale, and I love your work! I’ve seen several videos on youtube, especially about the Atheist Convention in Dublin and I was wondering if you are planning another one?
I wanted to go to the one in my home town Köln earlier this year, but they charged 130 Euro, just so the speakers could sleep in luxury hotels, while their audience sleeps in tents. 🙁 The price is of course always a negative point of atheist conventions, but if people knew early enough, we could plan better. lol.
I really liked the speeches of Michael Nugent I watched on youtube, also his debate with notorious Hamza, who never seems to get the point, while Mr. Nugent comes up with great and convincing arguments.
By the way, I am a professional translator and if you ever need a translation into German, I’d be happy to do it free of charge.
All my best wishes and good luck for your work!
I stayed in the same hotel as the speaker. Luxury it was certainly not.