It's Secular Sunday time! In this issue: News Upcoming Events Bloggage (more…)
Aoife McLysaght of TCD Genetics Dept talks at Dublin Atheists in the Pub, July 2012. She talks about how we become atheists, a new book called the Young Atheists's Handbook by former Muslim Alom Shaha, the Giant's Causeway creationist controversy, and defending science against religious arguments.
It's time for this week's Secular Sunday! In this issue: News Upcoming Events Blogosphere (more…)
News Youtube Upcoming Events Today, Sunday 15 July, 8:00 pm, The Exchange, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (map) Skeptics in the Pub will be hosting Martin Robbins, a Berkshire-based researcher and science writer. His talk will centre around the work he did last year tracking down homeopaths in East Africa ...
Sinead Redmond talks to Dublin Atheists in the Pub about how she set up the Facebook group 'Unlike Youth Defence, I trust women to decide their lives for themselves' and how she organized a protest at Leinster House against misleading advertisements about the impact of abortion on women.
In April, Atheist Ireland wrote to the Minister for Education about Document No. 154 of material released to RTE under the Freedom of Information Act. This document outlined how parents in a VEC community school were told that: “It is true that all morality is based on love – of ...
Welcome one and all to the latest Secular Sunday! We have quite a full issue this week, with some exciting news, lots of blog posts and a competition. In this issue: News Upcoming Events Competition Time Blogorrhea Shameless Plugs (more…)
Welcome to this week's Secular Sunday. In this issue: News Upcoming Events What You Told Us (more…)