Secular Sunday #11 – Competition Time
Welcome to this week’s Secular Sunday, the weekly newsletter of Atheist Ireland.
In this issue:
- News
- Upcoming Events
- Competition Time
- Michael Nugent and Jane Donnelly attended a meeting this week with other rights-based NGOs to discuss the Government’s proposals for the Constitutional Convention. The groups were disappointed with the composition and agenda of the proposed convention, and we will be working together with them to frame our own proposals for rights-based changes to the Constitution.
- On Wednesday, Michael Nugent had a discussion on Newstalk about the anti-atheism course notes used by Hibernia College with Fr. Vincent Twomey who wrote those notes. Listen
- The new lobbying group of Atheist Ireland had its first meeting this week. It will be researching the policy positions of all parties and politicians on secular issues, and also arranging meetings with politicians to promote our policies. If you would like to join this group, please email chair@atheist.ie. Learn more.
Upcoming Events
- Monday 12 March, 9:35 pm, RTÉ1 televisionMichael Nugent and Jane Donnelly will be in the audience for The Frontline, and members of Educate Together will also be there. The programme will be discussing issues relevant to secularism. Educate Together are looking for parents to take part in the show. If you are a parent with children in an Educate Together school, or one who can’t get their children into one due to oversubscription or distance, and can attend the show please contact Educate Together’s Gerry McKevitt by SMS on 087-2635703 or by email at gerry.mckevitt@educatetogether.ie.
- Thursday 15 March, 7:30 pm, MacTurcaill’s, Dublin 2 (map)
Dublin Atheists in the Pub. No speaker this month. We’ll be having an informal discussion about secular education (with a particular focus on the recent Hibernia College issue) and any other topics that come to mind. - Wednesday 21 March, 8:00 pm, Carlton Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick (map) Mid-West Humanists monthly meeting. The Mid-west Humanists are a group of Humanists, Atheists, Skeptics and Freethinkers living in Limerick, Clare and Tipperary. All are welcome to attend.
- Tuesday 5 June, National Concert Hall, Dublin
Dublin Writers Festival presents: Richard Dawkins in Conversation. Tickets are €20 (€18 concession) Learn more
Competition Time
Darrel Ray, who spoke at Atheist Ireland’s 2010 AGM on his book The God Virus (watch), has kindly donated a signed copy of his new book Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality for one lucky reader. To be in with a chance of winning, simply email secularsunday@atheist.ie with the answer to the following question: In which US state was Darrel Ray born? The winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries received before noon on Saturday 17 March and announced in next week’s Secular Sunday.
That’s it for another week. Keep up to date with things on our website, Facebook and Twitter, or add your voice to our forum.
Derek Walsh
Editor, Secular Sunday
Atheist Ireland