Conor McGrath elected Vice President of Atheist Alliance International

Conor McGrath of Atheist Ireland has been elected as Vice President of Atheist Alliance International. The four new officers elected today are:

President: Nick Lee – Freethinkers Association of Central Texas (Texas, USA). Nick is the co-founder and Vice President of Texas Freethought Convention, now in its third year of successful state-wide conferences.  He is also on the Advisory Board of the San Antonio chapter of Americans United. He is a retired Federal employee, with a Masters in Public Administration from USC.

Vice President: Conor McGrath – Atheist Ireland (Ireland) Conor is on the committee of Atheist Ireland, where he takes the lead responsibility for developing lobbying and advocacy activities. He has worked as a professional lobbyist in the United Kingdom, and later as an assistant professor in political lobbying and public affairs at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.

Secretary: Heather McIntosh – Atlanta Freethought Society (Georgia, USA). Heather is continuing as AAI’s Secretary, having been re-elected today.

Treasurer: Linda Shaw – Humanist Canada (Ontario, Canada). Linda has previously been treasurer and a board member of Humanist Canada.

The full board is as follows:

Nick Lee (President)
Conor McGrath (Vice President)
Linda Shaw (Treasurer)
Patty Guzikowski – SWiFT, Individual Members Group (Wisconsin, USA)
Bobbie Kirkhart – Atheists United (California, USA)
Terry McDonald – Metroplex Atheists (Texas, USA)
Shelley Mountjoy – Washington Area Secular Humanists (D.C., USA)
Tanya Smith – Atheist Foundation of Australia (Australia)
Jesper Vind – Dansk Ateistik Selskab (Denmark)

(Secretary Heather McIntosh is not a member of the board)

Michael Nugent


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    Brian Rogan October 01, 2010

    Well done Conor, best of luck with your new role.

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    Conor McGrath October 02, 2010


    Thanks for that – much appreciated. Hope to help make AAI more visible and beneficial to ordinary members round the world.