The country’s men in dresses both North and South of the Border have continued to miss the point of the Nation’s and the World’s outrage over Child Sex Rape and Pederasty scandals in the Church in recent years. Addressing parishioners and fellow clergy in Kilaloe today Bishop Willie assured his ...
One of Atheist Ireland’s campaigns is to encourage people to read the Christian Bible and the sacred texts of other religions. The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central tenet of Christianity. But the evidence for this extraordinary claim is nonexistent outside the Christian Bible, and contradictory within the ...
Apologists for the Catholic Church are correct that the Vatican is not equating women’s ordination with clerical paedophilia by referring to them in the same document, Normae de Gravioribus Delictis. In fact, the penalties in the document suggest that the Vatican actually considers attempting to ordain a woman to be ...
Atheist Ireland agrees with Educate Together and with the Humanist Association of Ireland that children should not be separated according to their religion in the new pilot VEC primary schools, and that there should not be faith formation within school hours. Atheist Ireland believes that State education should be secular. ...
Roman Catholic Bishop Donal McKeown yesterday (Sun 18 July) told members of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association that they should “Continue to do penance for the sins of those Church personnel who abused children,” because “We have all been diminished and humiliated by what they did.” This is an attempt ...
At our AGM last Saturday, Atheist Ireland adopted the following amended version of the Copenhagen Declaration on Religion in Public Life. The original version was written and adopted by delegates at the world atheist conference "Gods and Politics" held in Copenhagen from 18-20 June 2010. This version is based on feedback ...
Atheist Ireland launched a new campaign for a secular state on Saturday, July 17th, at our second AGM, held in the Davenport Hotel in Dublin. The meeting also announced a major international atheist conference to be held in Dublin next year, co-hosted by Atheist Ireland and Atheist Alliance International. The ...
Atheist Ireland Public Meeting and AGM, Davenport Hotel Dublin, Sat July 17 Theme: A Secular State for a Pluralist People Special Guest Speaker: Dr Darrel Ray, author of The God Virus It’s now less than two weeks to our second AGM, which will be held in the Davenport Hotel in ...
We at Atheist Ireland thought the first True Believer competition would be wanting for nominations on such short notice, but we were not let down. Among the forerunners for this month’s prize was Dr Vincent Twomey SVD, Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology in our country’s beloved Maynooth who wrote to ...